

I know that the Captain wants to hear how I am doing. And I can not help as my heart is filled with warmth by the way that he cares for me. But I dare not give into my heart right now because when I look down at my hands they are shaking, uncontrollably.

If I give in now, then I am afraid that I will break down and I will start to cry. But I need to be strong now and focus on saving the people on this ship. I need to do some final tests but I am almost very sure that this virus is deadly. Should anyone get in contact with this virus they might die.

Then it is as if I realized for the first time that I might be infected. Why haven't I noticed that before? Then I feel my breathing increasing exponentially. I know that I can not panic right now but how do I handle this feeling that I feel?

Without thinking about what I am saying I let my mouth escape these words. With a shaky voice, I answer.

"I am doing fine. Please, please just stay away"


I do not know her very well but I have seen scared people in my life before. And this beautiful woman standing in front of me is scared. She is trying to regain some kind of control. I wish with my entire heart that I can just hold her tight and say to her that everything is going to be okay but I know that I can not undermine her stature in front of everyone.

I do not know why I am even thinking that she needs a hug as I am not even her friend. All I know is that from the very beginning the attraction between us was undeniable and I wish that somehow I could make her feel better right now.

But I will respect her wishes and give her all the tools she needs to operate the way that she wants to. So, I give her a slight smile and then say to her.

"I give you my assurance that we will not come closer unless you ask us to. I am happy to hear that you are doing okay. Is there anything else that we can do to make this easier for you?"


I do not know what it is about this man but after he gave me his smile I can not help but feel as if he will stick with me through thick and thin. Then I watch as the nurse comes running up with the plastic and I shout to her.

"No! Stop!"

I do not think that the nurse has expected that I would shout something like that to her as it looks like I startled her more than just a little bit. She stops dead in her tracks and then I say to her.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I just needed you to stop and I need to contain this area. Can you please roll the play plastic to me?"

I watch as the nurse's eyes widen and she slowly goes down on her knees to roll the plastic to me.

"I also need you to tell Dr. Braxton that we have a code green and do it as fast as possible, please"

I watch as the nurse nervously stands in one place and shakes. I know that not everyone can handle situations like these and I need to be patient with her.

"Your name is Wendy, right?"

I watch as she nods her head nervously.

"Good. Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, you are the new trauma doctor?"

"Yes, yes, I am. My name is Amy. It is a pleasure to meet you, Wendy. I am sure that you can see that I am in a little bit of a bind right now and I am going to need your help. Would you be able to do that for me?"

She nods her head again but this time I can see that she has stopped shaking.

"Good. Now, I want you to imagine that we are doing a drill and I need you to just go to Dr. Braxton and tell her I said it is a code green. Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, I think I can, doctor"

"Good, that's good. I will wait right here and then you go and tell her okay?"


Then I watch as the nervous nurse makes her way back to medical. I take a deep breath and then I quickly start to form some sort of containment around the bodies. I work as quickly as possible as I know that time is not on my side.


I can not believe what I am seeing happening before my eyes. I have seen a lot of people in power misusing it and treating people like shit. But then I watch as Amy a world-renowned surgeon treat someone that is in a much lower rank than what she is, with so much respect.

I thought I can keep my distance from this woman but the more I get to know her and see her in action I want her to be mine. I know that the rules do not allow us to date but the rules did not say that we can not be friends.

All I know is that I need to get to know this woman because, quite frankly, I have never met a woman like her before. I watch as she busies herself making some sort of camp around the bodies with plastic and I can not help but wonder why.

It must be something very dangerous that she feels the need to distance herself with the dead bodies. I just wish that I somehow knew what was going on and then maybe I could be able to help her. It is a physical struggle to just stand here, just looking at her and not know what is going on.

Then to my disgust, I hear a familiar voice next to me. Please, God, take this woman away from me. I do not have time for her now.