Airborne Or Not


The concern that this handsome man has for me, is aiming straight at my heart. I look around me and I noticed that it is just me and him all alone. If there was ever a time that I wanted to tell him the truth about how I am feeling at this moment, this would have been the time.

I do not even know the man standing in front of me, how can I tell him my deep and personal feelings that I do not even want to admit to myself. How is he doing it? He makes me feel like I want to tell him.

Damn, he is standing in front of me looking at me with his soft green eyes and waiting for me to give him my answer. But I just do not have an answer for him. I am a strong and independent woman and this should not be a problem for me otherwise, I should not have been enrolled in the Navy.

"Thank you, Captain...(clearing my throat)...but I am doing just fine"

I feel as my breath catches as I speak to the Captain because he opened his mouth just a little bit and I could see his soft lips just pulling the strings of my heart.


This is probably the strongest woman that I have met in my career as a Navy Captain. I have met a lot of strong women, physically but never have I met such a strong woman, mentally. I have a talent to make people tell me the truth about how they feel.

I can see that she is fighting her feelings and I can not help but open my mouth slightly as I listen when she still admits feeling okay. But I must admit that opening my lips was not just in amazement but also filled with extreme desire for her.

She just makes me want her even more with every second that passes by.

"Then, I respect your feelings doctor. But please do not hesitate to ask for help. I am not moving from the spot until I know that you and everyone on the ship is safe"


He said that he is not moving from where he is standing and that means that he will be watching me the entire time. I hope that I would be able to control my emotions with him looking at me. Then Dr. Braxton comes back with the blood analysis kit.

To my spite, she now has some time with the Captain all alone. I really hope that I could have been on the other side of this plastic spending time with him. But do not have time for these thoughts and I should get my head on straight. I should stop dreaming about something that's not going to happen.

"Okay, just put the kit outside but close enough to the plastic, and then you walk away so that I can open the plastic and get the kit"

She almost looks like a deer in headlights but she does exactly as I say and then walks back safely next to the Captain. I open the plastic only big enough for me to get the kit inside. I eagerly get out everything that I need and then draw blood from one of the bodies. I put a drop of blood in between the thin glasses and then under the microscope.

Before I look into the microscope, I take a deep breath as this will definitely tell me if his blood is contagious or not. I really hope that it was only my imagination and we will laugh about this for many years to come.

Then I look into the microscope and it does not even take me a second to see that this virus is very much alive. That means that it is contagious. This is also a strand of virus that I haven't seen before.

I need to do one more final test to see whether it's airborne or is it contagious only if you have come in contact with it. If it is airborne that means that everyone that was helping the soldiers out of the boat now have the virus and who else they have come into contact with. So, I can only pray that it is not airborne.

I close my eyes tightly and then open them again looking into the microscope. This time I am looking for markers of being airborne or not airborne. Then I look up and say.

"Thank God!!"


I am so consumed with this woman standing before me that I do not even realize that Dr. Braxton is returning with a case in her hand. I have to readjust myself as my arousal for Dr. Micheals is easily seen. So, I put my hands in my pockets and make sure that nobody suspects anything especially, Dr. Braxton.

I watch as she puts the case in front of the plastic and then comes back to me standing next to me.

"So, the code green thing? Is it for real?"

I watch as she tries her best to avoid the question and then I hear her mumble under her breath.

"Yeah, it's true"

"Have you dealt with anything like this before?"

She once again looks at the floor and then says to me.

" know...directly, or anything"

I know she has never dealt with anything like this before and it is clear that I should put my trust completely in Amy and nobody else.

"In other words, you have no idea how to handle this situation?"

"Well, that is not completely true...Don't worry, Captain, I got it all under control"

I can not help but doubt every word that is coming out of her mouth. Then suddenly we listen as Amy shouts the words "Thank God!!"

I look over at her and I can see the relief on her face.

"What is going on Dr. Michaels?"

"I am sorry Captain I did not mean to startle you. But we have good news. The virus is contagious but not airborne. So, we do not have to worry about infecting anyone"

I want to smile at her words but then suddenly I have a thought.

"Dr. Michaels, let me understand this correctly. You mean to say that the virus is not airborne and only people that have come in contact directly with the virus would be infected?"

"Yes, that is correct, Captain"

I can not help but frown as I say the following words.

"So…then...Dr. Micheals…Did you come in contact with the virus?"