Nothing More Important


I listen to every word that he is saying to me and while his words find a place in my heart. I can not help feeling its ice-cold sting with every word he says. Why have I been so ignorant? Of course, I must know these things whether I have been in contact with the virus or not? I feel like a complete fool when he speaks to me.

Then I try to think back at when they brought the bodies to me whether I already had my gloves on or not. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I never handle a body without putting on my gloves. It is just a little something that I have taught myself through the years of working in hospitals. They can probably see is the relief on my face as I say.

"No, Captain. I never came in direct contact with the virus as I had my gloves on the entire time"


I can not describe my relief when I hear her say that she has not come into contact with the virus. She seems to be a very clever doctor and she knows what to do and when to do it. Unlike the doctor that standing right beside me that has no clue of what is going on around her.

"I taught her that you know?"

I am not even focusing on Dr. Braxton right now as I can not believe what a wonderful woman I have met on the other side of this plastic. But Dr. Braxton would make sure that I know of her presence by opening her mouth and saying things that do not even matter.

"You taught her what, exactly?"

She very proudly lifts her shoulders and then looks at me as if she just won a medal or something.

"To put her gloves on, of course. I always say to all my doctors and nurses that they should not touch anything without putting on gloves"

I do not want to spend one more moment on Lucy and I want to listen to what Dr. Michaels has to say.

"Yes, yes, very good. Now, if you will excuse me"

I try to say it as dismissively as possible and then I take a step closer to the plastic. I can see how the fear still grows in Dr. Michaels's face when I move closer but Dr. Michaels and I both know that everything is safe now.

"So, you are safe now? We don't have to worry about the virus anymore?"


I can not help but see the extreme concern and relief that is playing on his face at the same time. We do not even know each other and it seems that our concern for each other surpasses all other feelings that we might have. Nothing else seems to be important except the health of each other. I can not help but smile as I say these words to him.

"Yes, we have nothing to be worried about. But I would like to keep the plastic around these bodies for a little while and just study the virus so that I can see its nature..."

I watch as the Captain wants to open his mouth and talk to me but then I hear someone else interrupting us.

"No! You have to return to your station immediately"

What is this woman talking about? I did not even ask her permission to stay here. Who gives her the authority to tell me what to do while I was the one that discovered the virus in the first place. She did not even know that the virus existed and what to do in such a case. But before I could say anything I see the Captain turning back to her and it is clear from his body language that he is not happy.


I thought that there is no way that this woman can work on my nerves even more than she already does. But when Lucy interrupts the conversation with me and this exquisite woman before me, I can not help but only feel angry.

"Dr. Braxton your services are not needed here anymore. Please go back to the medical bay and see to it that everyone is doing their job over there. I will send Dr. Michaels back to you as soon as I feel good and ready"

I watch as her face turns into someone that was just slapped through the face. And then she forces out the following words and turns around to go back to the medical bay.

"Yes, sir…"


Now, if I never had any feelings for this man standing in front of me, I surely would have developed some feelings right now. Because there is nothing better for me to see when someone puts Dr. Braxton back in her place.

I am suddenly very happy that I didn't say a word in front of the Captain. I could have gotten disrespectful and I do not want him to think that I am. I watch as he turns back to me and then he answers me as he wanted to do in the first place.

"I'm sure it is not a problem for you to stay a bit longer on deck to study the virus. I just need you to be very careful and please let me know if you would require anything at all. I do have one last question though…"

"What can I help you with, Captain?"

"I just want to make sure if it is safe for you to come out of the plastic. I understand the reason that the bodies need to stay in the plastic but are you then free to come out and for us to come in?"

I know that it is safe because it is not an airborne virus but for some reason, I just feel like I still need to study the virus some more to find out what kind of virus we are dealing with. Before getting out of the plastic or letting anyone in for that matter.

"I am sorry, Captain but I really need to know more about this virus before I will feel confident enough to go out of this plastic or let anyone in. You can go now and just leave a soldier. If I need or know anything I will let him know? I am sure you have things to do as everything here is under control now"

I watch as he takes a seat on the deck, making himself comfortable, and then turns to me smiling.

"I don't think you understand, Dr. Michaels but there is nothing else more important than you right now"