Urgency In His Eyes


Dammit, I did it again. I put my foot in my mouth without thinking. Why did I tell her that she is important right now instead of the situation? Of course, in my mind, she is the one that is important not the situation but I do not want her to think I am stalking her or something.

I can not help as I feel how my face is starting to get warm and I know that my cheeks are turning into a bright red color. If I can just hide my feelings, life would have been so much better.

"What I meant to say is that I as a Captain is needed here with the most important situation we are dealing with on the ship right now..."

There I go and mumble again. I try to make something better and then I just babble some nonsense in the hope that no one sees what a big fool I'm making of myself. I feel like going back in time and just say the right thing.

I watch as a shy smile appears on her face and suddenly everything that I said disappeared. Every last feeling of being a fool turns into awe for this woman that has consumed everything that I am. How is it possible that this woman can reach into my heart and do with it what she wants to?


When I heard him saying that nothing else is more important than me I couldn't help but feel the warmth from his words. I looked into his eyes and I saw that he meant every word that he said. It was as if nothing else existed except me. And when he took a seat on the deck making himself comfortable, I couldn't help but notice his muscles playing together with his words in perfect harmony.

It's almost as if he is my protector as if he is so adamant in protecting me and that no one would be able to hurt me in any way. I love that feeling and whatever attraction I had towards him just grew so much deeper.

"Thank you, Captain. I appreciate you staying here"

I am afraid to say anything more as I will probably confess my feelings to him. So, I make sure I close my mouth and get back to studying the virus.


Oh god, she likes that I am staying with her and I couldn't be happier to know that she might be feeling the same way as I do. I watch her quickly turn around and start to work on studying the virus. I wish that I can somehow help her, but I guess what I'm doing right now is good enough for her.


I look at the virus one more time under the microscope and what I see amazes me. This is not the normal virus that you get in an illness but it looks like it was manufactured by someone. As if it was intently made to be used for something.

The markers of a normal virus coming from an illness are usually moving much slower. But this virus is moving at a speed I haven't seen before almost as if it is small robots. I go back to the leg of one of the bodies and study it more intently.

I pull his pants up and then I see that the rush that was there before has grown. I can not help but feel a little bit shocked by the extremely fast-growing virus on a dead body. It is clear to me that his entire body will be filled with the rash in a matter of a few hours.

I'm trying to think back on my time that I spent with the CDC as part of my training to be a surgeon. I wonder if there was any virus like this but I can not recall one kind of strand of virus that we came across that was moving so fast.

I am so glad that nobody is infected by it because it could probably kill a person within 3 hours of infection. The symptoms would be somewhat severe because of the fast pace of the virus. Probably symptoms like vomiting, dizziness, severe migraines, loss of feeling in limbs, and of course a rash. Then evidently…death.

Then suddenly I have a thought. I stand up and walk towards the Captain and then I say.

"Sir, I might have somewhat of a disturbing thought or theory if you would...that I would like to share with you? If I may?"

I watch as he stands up from where he was sitting and moves closer to the plastic.

"Of course, you may Dr. Michaels. Please go ahead"

"I was looking at the virus and it did not come from an illness but rather by someone creating it from scratch. You have asked me to do an autopsy to see what I can find and I am almost positive that someone must have intentionally released the virus among them. I know that it is a bit far fetched but-"

I watch as the Captain lifts up his hand to make me stop talking and then he says.

"Please, Dr. Michaels, I do not consider your opinions to be far fetched. In this little time that I have observed you in action, you have shown me to be a doctor that knows what's going on around her. My only question to you is how sure are you about your findings?"

"Thank you, Captain, for the kind words. I do pride myself in my work and I never say something unless I am certain. So, when I say that this virus must have been planted somehow it is because of my experience that I can say this with hundred percent certainty"


As I listen to the words that she is saying I suddenly realized that these soldiers were intently killed. Then this must mean that the rest of the soldiers on that particular ship might all be infected with the virus.

I quickly turn back to Amy and then ask her.

"Please, check for me the bodies. On their jackets, what ship are they assigned to?"

I watch as she goes to the bodies and then comes back to me.

"It says the USS Carlton, sir. If I may ask what does this have to do with anything?"

I know the Captain of that ship. I have served with him almost for as long as I was in the Navy. We made Captain together. I need to go and find out whether his ship is still afloat.

"Dr. Michaels I need you to find an antidote for this virus as quickly as possible. Can you do that for me?"


I see the urgency in his eyes but I also see something that looks like heartache. I know that now is not the time to question his orders. 

"Sir, yes, sir!"

I watch as he nods in appreciation and then turns around walking away.