An Antidote


I do not feel happy at all to leave her alone with this deadly virus. But I know I have to go and see whether the USS Carlton is still floating. As I walk past one of the soldiers I order him to go and watch over Dr. Michaels. He should report anything that is newsworthy.

I walk as fast as I can to the bridge and then I am greeted by my first officer, Peter.

"Sir, Captain, sir. We didn't expect you here until tonight, sir"

"I need you to get the USS Carlton on the radio for me, as soon as possible"

"Yes, sir!"

I watch as Peter is giving the order to the soldier that handles the radio to get the ship online. I can not help but holding my breath as I wait for the ship to reply.

The soldier calls them once and then again but they do not reply. I know now that there is something seriously wrong with the USS Calton and I turn to Peter.

"We have a new destination. I need you to get the last known coordinates for the USS Carlton and then set our course to that coordinates"

"Yes, sir. But sir, what about-"

"Don't you worry about that just do as I say"

I know that I am going against every protocol but I do not intend to let my friend down and for that matter the entire ship. I make my way down to the Admirals quarters and then call them all in for a meeting.

As all the Admirals stand in front of me I can not help but feel a little bit nervous as to what they might say to me. But on the other hand, I know that this is the right course of action.

"Sirs, you must wonder why I have called you to this meeting. It has come to my attention that there was a virus intentionally released on the USS Carlton. We have tried to make contact with them but there is no reply. I felt it necessary to set a new course to the last coordinates of the USS Carlton so that we can go and see if they need any assistance"

It is Admiral Jack that is the first one to speak.

"How sure are you about to your facts, Captain?"

I tell them all about Dr. Michaels's findings and how she is now busy working to get an antidote. They nod in agreement every so often and ask a question here and there. But they agree with me to set the destination to the USS Carleton and that we should lend a hand where we can.

I can not help but feel a little bit relieved at them agreeing with my decision. I really do not know what I would have done if they did not agree with me. Then I realized that I need to get back to Amy as soon as possible. I need to know whether she can make an antidote or not.


I enjoyed working with Wendy and so I asked the soldier that came to sit in the Captain's place to get her for me. I am going to need a few things to be able to make him an antidote. Luckily, because the virus was generated and it's not an unstable virus like you would get in an illness it is easy to see what the antidote should be for this kind of strands in this virus.

I start to prepare my station to mix an antidote as I wait for Wendy to arrive. After a while, she comes to the plastic, out of breath.

"Thank you for coming. I need you to get me some things from the medical bay. Do you think you can do it?"

"Yes, yes I can"

I tell her exactly what I need and then she eagerly turns around to get it for me. I think that I made a good impression on her and now she's not that nervous anymore. I wonder why the Captain wants an antidote as the bodies here are already deceased.

It doesn't take Wendy very long to get all the things that I want and then I tell her to put it in front of the plastic so that I can open up and take it. I do not want to let anyone in yet as I do not want to be the one that missed diagnosed the virus and then everyone got infected because I didn't do my work properly.

I take all the things to my station and then I go into my work mode. I do not see anyone around me or hear anything I only focus on what I'm doing. It doesn't take me long to put the different chemicals together as I aced my class when I was in college and had to study the different combinations of the chemicals. I would have become an excellent pharmacist but surgery was my passion.

Then suddenly I hear someone shouts.

"Dr. Michaels!?"

I turn around only to see the Captain right next to the plastic.

"What is wrong, Captain?"

"Didn't you hear me call you, Dr. Michaels? I called you five times? I was about to come in"

"I am so sorry, sir. When I focus, I tend to not hear or see anyone around me. What can I help you with?"

"I just wanted to hear if you could find an antidote?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, that is what I am busy with at the moment. I just need to add my last component and then it should be ready for testing"

I fiddle with my fingers while I'm talking to him because his presence has this way of making me feel extremely nervous.


Wow, I can not believe that we have recruited someone so talented to come aboard our ship. We are so lucky to have Amy with us because without her we might not have found an antidote for the people on the ship we are heading to.

She is not just beautiful on the outside but extremely intelligent on the inside. I watch as she fiddles with her fingers while she's talking to me and I can not help but get distracted by how cute she is.

"I am so glad to hear that you-"

Then suddenly I watch as she falls to the floor unconscious.