Everything Becomes Clear


I can not believe what my eyes are seeing. I am in so much shock that I need to get my mind wrapped around what I am seeing. Did this beautiful woman just collapse before my eyes? I do not care what the protocol is or how she doesn't want me to get into the plastic camp but I'm going in.

I run as fast as I can to find an opening in the plastic and then go in to check on her. I want to see if she still has a pulse. I feel her heart rate is still very strong and I can not help breathing a breath of relief. I don't know what I would have done if she was dead.


I put my hands on her shoulders and shake her just a little bit, hoping that by doing that she might wake up. I feel like someone that is lost in a forest not knowing which way to go or what to do. 

I'm just about to call for some help when I see her beautiful eyes opening up.

"What's going on? Where am I?"

"Wow, you gave me a fright. You just fainted in front of my eyes. Are you okay?"


It feels as if I have been struck by something heavy against my head. I remember that I was still talking to the Captain and then suddenly everything went black. I don't know what is going on maybe I just need to eat something.

But when I open my eyes I see extreme concern in the Captain's eyes. It is not just concern but a softness consuming his entire being. I feel his thumb lightly brushing against my shoulder as if he wants to give me some sort of comfort.

"I am really okay, Captain. I am sorry that I scared you so"

I sit up straight and try to regain some control over the severe headache that I have. I feel a pain shooting through my head but I try not to show him any pain.


"Are you sure you are okay?"

I watch her nodding her head but I can see her winching and almost grabbing her head. It is clear to me that she is hiding and that she must have some pain. I choose not to proceed to ask her more about how she is feeling as I do not know her well enough.


As the Captain helps me to stand up I suddenly realize that he is inside.

"Sir, why did you come inside the plastic camp? I didn't want you to compromise yourself"

Then I see him smiling at me and that same softness plays on his face again while our faces are only inches apart.

"How do you expect me to stand by and just watch how the woman who just rescued us from a possible infection of the entire ship, just crumble before my eye?. Did you honestly think that I would not come to see if you are okay? I do not care if I am the Captain all I cared about at that moment was for you"

I can not help as my cheeks instantly turn red hot and it reminds me of how he stared at me so blatantly when he had to make his speech on the ship the first day. It is clear that he has no regard for the rule that fellow sailors can not date.


Fuck…how is it that all my words come out wrong when I talk to this woman? There is no way of saving any dignity after saying what I said. But everything that I said was the truth and directly from my heart.

I watch as her beautiful cheeks turn into a shade of red that awakens the beast within me. I better take a step away before I do something I might regret. I quickly stand up and help her to her feet.

"I...uh...can I get you something to eat?"


He has such a caring nature and it is easy to fall in love with someone like him. But I should keep my head in the game and focus on why I am here in the first place.

"Thank you, Captain. I really would appreciate something to eat"

I take a seat on the nearest chair and just try to regain some sort of normality. I watch as the Captain wants to get out of the camp but I stop him by touching his arm.

"I am sorry, Captain but I do not want you to go out of the camp just yet..."


I feel her hand on my arm and it feels like a current running from her touch right into my core of desire for her. I instantly freeze and then turn around looking at her hand on my arm without realizing it.

Then I watch as she quickly removes her hand from my arm and I feel a coldness left behind. I didn't mean for her to take her hand away as I would have loved her hand to stay longer.

"I'm sorry, Captain but what I meant is, I just want to make sure about this virus before I let anyone that was in this camp out into the public. Let me just finish the antidote and then I will feel confident to let you go"

"Of course, Dr. Michaels, I completely understand. Then please carry on while I get a soldier to bring you some food"

I then proceeded to call a soldier and ask him to bring us something to eat. Then I watch as Amy stands up and goes back to her station to work on the antidote.

I find myself a chair but I feel like I need to ask her if I can help somehow and not just sit there.

"Dr. Michaels, is there anything that I can do to maybe help you speed up the process or just give you something that you need?"


I can not believe the kindness of this man and how considerate he is. But there is nothing that he can do for me right now.

"Thank you for the suggestion, Captain but I, unfortunately, have to do this myself. Please, just make yourself comfortable it shouldn't take long"

Then he smiles at me and walks back to his chair while I turn back to my station and continue to work on the antidote. I reach for the bottle in the far left corner and then I see something on my glove. I bring my hand closer to my eyes and I see on my ring finger that there is a tear in my glove.

My entire body froze and then everything becomes clear.