What Are You Hiding


I can not believe that this has happened. How is it possible that I didn't see this tear in my glove? I see myself as a responsible doctor but this is just unheard of. I remember how there were a few meetings about the quality of the glove and how it can be detrimental to the doctors if it is going to tear easily.

I can almost feel how pale my face is turning. Now I understand why my head is hurting and why I fainted. It must mean that I am infected. I know that I do not have a lot of time so I try to put my shock and horror aside and start to work on the antidote to finish it.

If my calculations are correct when someone is infected with this virus it wouldn't be long before you are dead. I have already experienced some of the symptoms and I don't know exactly when my glove tore. It must have been almost from the beginning when I wrap the bodies in plastic.

I can not help but turn to look at the Captain as if I want to tell him that I am infected but then I shake my head and just carry on making the antidote. I do not think it is a good idea to panic the Captain when it is not necessary yet.


I can not seem to keep my eyes off these three dead bodies lying on the ground. It is my own fellow soldiers lying there and they did not even have an honorable death. I always thought that if I die I would like to die on duty while trying to save my country.

I decided to give these three soldiers a "Navy worth" funeral when we lay anchor again. It is just not right to die this way. Then I watch as Amy turns to me and open her mouth as if she wants to say something but then physically shakes her head and carries on working on the antidote again. I can not help but notice that her face has turned snow white.

My curiosity gets the best of me and I stand up and walk to her station.

"Dr. Michaels was there something that you wanted to tell me?"


I don't know why I did what I did. Why didn't I just keep my thoughts to myself? He is probably going to ask me what I wanted to say until he gets an answer. He doesn't look like the kind of man that would just sit back and accept whatever comes his way.

"I had a thought but then I didn't feel it necessary to tell you, sir"

I watch as he gives me that undeniable smile of his and then he says.

"I would love to hear what your thoughts are about, Dr. Michaels"

There he goes again and does that thing about being so blunt just saying exactly what he thinks. I must say that this is very refreshing as I am used to men in my life that do not want to share their feelings. His piercing green eyes are staring into my soul and I want to tell him exactly what my thoughts are.

But I can hardly control the panic that is residing within my heart and I do not need somebody else that also panic around me. So, I will keep this to myself and once I am finished with the antidote then I will try it on myself.

"It is kind of you to say, Captain but it is unnecessary thought to share"

Suddenly I feel his hand on my shoulder and he moves a little bit closer to me. Then he says almost in a whisper-like voice.

"I am sure that whatever is going on in your mind…is definitely not unnecessary..."

I can not help is it as a tingling feeling shoots through my entire being. It is as if I am drawn closer to him like a magnet. I feel myself physically moving closer to his lips. I can feel myself losing all restraint.

I can not afford to lose myself right now as this can get me kicked out of the Navy.


I watch as she moves closer to me and I can not help holding my breath just thinking of how it would be to kiss those soft, rosy, red lips of hers. If I can just have a taste. But then my dream is interrupted by her pulling away.

I see the blush that comes so easily for her and it appears on her beautiful face. It is something that I can not resist but I force myself to respect her boundaries.

"Captain, you flatter me. I thank you once again for your kind words but if you will excuse me I have to focus on this antidote"

"Of course... Of course, you need to focus on the antidote"

Once again she has achieved to make me feel like a fool in her presence. But it is a fool that I would happily be if it means to be just close to her. There is something else that is bothering me. She looks very weak to me and I eagerly await the soldier to bring the food.


I try to regain some sort of a normal thought process so that I can focus on the antidote but it's difficult to focus when a man of his stature is around me. But I finally find a way to focus on what I am doing and it takes me just a few more minutes before I can add the last ingredient.

But then I feel my breathing starting to increase rapidly and my body is filled with warmth. I take a step away from the table as I know that if something would happen to me that I can not compromise the work that I have been doing.


I watch Amy walks away from her table just standing still and I know that something is not right. I walk to her and put my hand on her shoulder while I say.

"Are you okay?"

I lead her to my chair to sit down as I can see that she is looking, even more, weaker done before and now she is also shaking.

"I...uh...no, I don't think so"

Then suddenly she jumps up and throws up into a container. I can not help but start to panic as I know now that she is hiding something from me. I run to her side and then help her back on the chair.

"Dr. Michaels, you are going to have to tell me what is going on with you?"

I watch her take a deep breath while sweat is dripping down her forehead.

"I'm infected..."