

I can clearly see that the Captain's demeanor has changed from being caring and concerned to serious and urgent when he asks me if I can make more of the antidote. It amazes me how easy it is to read him even if I do not know him so well. I quickly think of everything I would need and then give him a professional answer.

"I would need a few people that can help me so, that I can make more antidote faster. Then I would also need a few supplies from the medical bay but if I have all of that I should be able to make a few antidotes"

"Thank you, Dr. Michaels"

I can hear the seriousness in his voice and then I watch as he turns around back to the soldier that just arrived. I still want to ask him why he needs so many antidotes as no one is infected on the ship but I think it is better if I do not disturb him at this moment.