Time Of Day


Ashley is trying to convince me that the Captain is good-looking. If she only knows that I know he is good-looking and not just good-looking but damn hot. But I am not going to let her in on my little secret. I intend to keep whatever is happening between me and the Captain, between me and him.

I do feel like I have to blame myself for staring at him from behind a pillar. How could I have been so stupid? I was so concentrating on him not seeing me that I never thought that somebody else would see me.

I do not really know how I am going to get myself out of this mess because Ashley has a nose for these things. I need to distract her one or another way.

"Did you see the way that Dr. Braxton looks at the Captain?

"Yeah, I see that she is not ashamed to look at the Captain like you are"

"Don't you have some kind of work that you need to do? I am sure they are going to miss you "