Fitting Perfectly Together


I know that the Lieutenant has asked us to go to the other ship and get as many medical supplies as we can. But after the day that I had yesterday, I wish that I do not have to go back. That ship is nothing but a death ship to me. Even the Captain decided to fall on the floor in that ship. I could have lost the Captain yesterday but I can only thank God that I had the antidote with me.

I walk as slow as I can to the ship hoping that everyone else will go quickly and get everything and I will not need to do it. But then again I know that Dr. Braxton has it in for me so I better do what she has requested of me. As we start to get outside on the deck I see that there is a lot of soldiers walking from one ship to the other.

It seems like the coast guard is here and the other Navy vessel will be leaving us soon. It does make sense to get the medical supplies from the other ship as we did use a lot of our own supplies for their soldiers.