You Made A Big Mistake


I am standing on the deck just staring at the ocean with the Lieutenant standing next to me. We are not saying one word to each other but we just stand there in comfortable silence. The corner of my eye catches the man standing next to me and I haven't even realized how well built he is.

He is probably off duty as he is just standing in a denim and a white shirt. It is a long-sleeve shirt and his muscles are well-shaped on his upper arm. I refuse to let my attention be diverted once again from what I am going to do on the ship in the first place.

I take my eyes away from him and focusing on the moon that has now almost emerged completely into the sky.

"So, how does it feel to be on a ship and not on land?"

"It is something that I need to get used to but the ocean is very beautiful"

I see him staring at me and then he says.

"It really is, isn't it"