Messed Up


I am sitting in a room on a ship with a bunch of medical officers and a deck of cards. I do not think they realize what they have just pulled me into. If they know that I had a weekly get-together in the city with my friends to play some poker and that I am their undeniable queen of poker, they would not let me play.

Emily then speaks up and says.

"Why did we make a mistake?"

"I guess you are going to have to deal and just figure that out for yourself"

Everyone laughs around the table and I can not help but think that this is probably the best idea to get my mind of these men. As the night goes on we play and I make sure just to win enough not to let them hate me.

I am enjoying it very much and it is so good to finally get to know some of the other doctors and nurses. I soon find out that not everyone is as stuck up as Lucy and that not everyone is enjoying her company. They all seem like a bunch of friendly people.