Long Night


As fears start to take their place in my heart for what is about to come I look deep into Amy's eyes and make sure that she is ready. But what I find in her eyes is the fear that has taken my entire being as its slave. I can only imagine how afraid she is when I feel as I feel.

"It is going to be okay. I will not leave your side for a second"


My head is pressed up against his chiseled chest and I can hear his heartbeat. It is beating faster than a racehorse and I know that he is panicking. But I feel exactly the same because I do not know what this wave is going to do to us.

Then he tells me that he will not leave my side and a sense of peace fills my heart. I know that I will be safe in his arms and I know that he would do whatever he needs to do, to keep me safe. Then just after his words, the wave wash is over us.