More Touching


I know that it is going to be a long night. I have to stay awake and my body definitely tells me that it wants to sleep. But that is not going to be the difficult part. The difficult part is going to be watching the Captain and Lucy fussing over each other.

I know that after Emily has patched me up I would probably be moved to a bed in the recovery part of the bay and I am sure the Captain will not be far behind me. I can not believe how hard I have fallen for this guy. I mean I do not even know him and the thought of him being with Lucy together makes me nauseous.

I can not let my emotions run amok with me. I need to get him and Lucy out of my mind and focus on my recovery but then again I remember how he risked his life for me today. How can I just overlook something like that? I think I should thank him and then move on.