Miracle Worker


I am laying on my back with a back brace on and the pain is excruciating. I did not think that it is going to be so painful but here I am with Lucy standing next to me just waiting for me to moan so that she can touch me again. But I am not going to give her that satisfaction.

They start to push me to the recovery wing and I close my eyes because I just want some peace. Then as I finally get to a standstill and I open my eyes only to find Lucy still hovering over me.

"Now, Captain. I will be right by your side the entire time. If you need anything just ask"

I do not think that I have heard what she just said because if I heard it correctly then I am sure the pain in my back is not anything compared to her being by my side. I have to find a way out of this because I am sure that I will be losing my cool if something does not happen.