New Course


It seems like I had a very good night's sleep after the talk Amy and I had last night because when I woke up this morning I almost had no pain in my back. I can not be so ignorant that I think that the stress of Amy not liking me back, would influence the pain that I have but for some reason, it is connected in some way.

I can not help but look for Amy and then I see her standing behind her counter in front of her laptop. She is clearly very busy with whatever she is doing but then it is as if she feels that I am looking at her. She then just glance over her laptop and bite her lip while she is smiling.

She should not have done that because now my attention will be with her for the rest of the day. She is doing all kinds of things to me when she bites her lip like that but then she just carries on with her work as if nothing happened. This woman will be the death of me and I do not even know how to react to this.