

I sit back in my bed and impatiently wait for Peter to return with my laptop. I need to discuss the plan of action with him as soon as possible. Then he comes back and sits next to my bed while I get him the coordinates. I tell him everything that we must do. I can see him turning pale in his face as he is probably just as surprised as I am to go to war so soon.

As soon as I give him the coordinates we work out how far out we are and it seems like we would be there within two days. We decide the first thing we need to do is let everyone know. I ask him to arrange a meeting with everyone on deck tonight at 17:00 hours. Then a frown appears on his face and I can see he wants to say something.

"What is on your mind, Lieutenant?"

"Sir, would you be the one addressing the soldiers?"

"Yes, why?"

"Sir, I am not being disrespectful but you are in a hospital bed"