Physical Therapy


I am feeling like an idiot by reacting the way I did when Emily told me that I am the lucky one to give the Captain physical therapy. I almost gave myself away by admitting to something that she knows nothing about. But I keep myself in check and keep my attitude as normal as possible. Then she says.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am fine just still a bit tired of yesterday"

"Oh, okay..."

I can see that she Is a bit skeptical but she accepts my answer and then go back to her department. As I walk back to mine I can not help but feel a little bit irritated by Lucy's actions. What the hell is she doing going to the Captain's dining hall and trying to get attention again.

She could have sent a nurse and just give him the message. Despite the fact that I am very unhappy about that there is something else that is bothering me too. Why would she go to the lengths of talking to him personally but she does not want to do his physical therapy?