Happen Tonight


I can not believe that I just came onto the Captain like that in my workplace. I know that my seductive tone just came out when I told him how he is feeling and I could see in his eyes that he feels exactly the way that I do when he said he feels good. I quickly get off the bed and step away from him. He is driving me completely insane.

I know that all eyes are on us because every woman in here desires to be with him. I remember when I was just checking him out, how everyone would freak out when he would walk into a room. So, I know there are eyes on us at this very moment.

"Good, I am glad you are feeling better. You can go now, Captain. You do not have to come back again"

Then suddenly I see him frown at what I am saying and then I understand what I am saying.

"I can not come back again?"

I immediately feel like a fool for saying that and not explaining myself. I smile and then I say to him.