

I can see that the Captain has lost all hope and I know that I should do something. I decided to slowly make my way closer to the Captain. I need to somehow comfort him as much as he needs to comfort me.

It is difficult to walk with my leg on this boat but nothing is going to stop me to get close to him. Then he turns around and surprise is on his face. He did not expect me to get so close. I then get in earshot of him and I give him a slight smile. Then I say.

"You could not have done more than what you already have done, sir"


I am still staring at how the people are being loaded onto the boats and I can feel my heart sinking into my shoes. I feel completely useless that again I have failed my people. But then I hear a voice behind me and it is like an angel is speaking to me. She's telling me that I have done everything I could and even though I do not believe a word, it is so good to have her close by.