

I watch as the two men come straight for me. I know what is going to happen now. I can not afford to show them my fear because then they know that I am weak. They grab me by the arms and start pulling me out of the room. They throw me as far as we go and I must just watch not to fall on the ground.

They speak in their language and they laugh as far as they go. It is clear that they are taking me up to the captain and that he is going to interrogate me. They keep on pushing me and I keep on almost falling just stopping my fall with my shoulders. I want to turn around and punch them in the face but I know that I would not stand a chance.

I also do not know what I would do if I were released because we are clearly outgunned. Finally, we get to the bridge and once again they throw me on the ground. This time I did not stop myself in time and I slam against the floor. They all laugh and then the captain speaks up. His English is much better than his minions.