Wrong Captain


I keep a close eye on Amy and at Admiral Sam because I know that she is our only hope for getting off this ship right now. I have a plan to escape but I can not use that plan if I do not know who the mole is. But that is not the only reason why I can not keep my eyes off them. I need to know that she is okay.

I watch as she walks into the corner and I can not help but frown, why would she do that? Then suddenly the Admiral is standing in front of her blocking my view. What the hell is going on? I am starting to get nervous. I try to move around but not too much to get a view of Amy but then I realized that the Admiral is looking my way.

It is clear that he doesn't want anyone to look behind him and so I act as if I'm just looking through the room. I look at my watch and I know it's only minutes before they come for me. I know that I should prepare myself mentally but instead, I am worried about Amy.