

I can see that the captain in front of me is completely thrown off by what I am saying. He never expected me to talk and he never expected me to say something like that. That is exactly what I wanted him to think and he has fallen right into my trap. Then I quickly glance at the Lieutenant and he nods.

I didn't know that they were going to bring the Lieutenant but they just assigned their own death beds as this only makes my plan easier. Then without warning, I reach for the gun on the captain's side. He is still under the impression that I am weak but I put in the very last piece of energy that I have.

I get hold of his gun and I hit him through the face with it. He falls to the floor and then I shoot, one two three of his men right between their eyes. The Lieutenant makes use of this opportunity to grab the gun of the now shocked men standing next to him and he eliminates them.