That's The One


As I leave the Captain at the bridge doors I realized that I have no idea when I will be seeing him again. I do not even know if we are going home or just to the base or what is going to happen to us now. But what I am sure of is I have some patients to look after and I am needed in the medical bay.

Just as I reached the doors and walk through them. I can see that much help is needed. So, I quickly walk to the first soldier I can find and see how I can help him. Most of the soldiers are just dehydrated and maybe have small cuts and bruises. Luckily, most of us made it through this without getting seriously hurt.

But the patients that were heard in the engine room when we first attacked the enemy ship does still have serious injuries. It feels like I do not want to see another bandage or an alcohol wipe or for that matter a drip. But it is good to see the soldiers leave the medical bay because they do not need to sleep over.