

I just stare at what the Admiral just told me. But he has already turned around walking back probably to get his bag. I still can not believe that Amy has volunteered. I feel completely conflicted about how I should feel because, on the one hand, I am extremely happy she is staying by my side and on the other hand, I do not want to put her life in danger again.

This entire ordeal was already too much for me to handle. I did not know if she was safe and then she got hurt too. Now I am going on another mission and I am afraid that I might be the one responsible for her to lose her life. She could have had a wonderful life back home and now, I might be the one that kills her.


I can not help as I curse because my heart is just broken. If she goes back home, I might never see her again but if she comes with me she might lose her life because of me. I quickly look around myself wondering if anyone heard me but luckily I am all alone.