Face To Face


All the way in the cab to the train station I feel like an idiot. I do not know what to make of this but I do know that I need to get home. I wish that I can believe in mankind again. I wish I can be one of those women that just jump in with their eyes closed but I just cannot.

As I get out of the cab, I buy my ticket to my hometown. Luckily, I got a train that departs in half an hour and this gives me time to just phone my dad quickly. I explained to him that I just had some urgent business that I had to attend to at home and that he should not worry about me.

He does not need to know what happened between me and Zac because I do not know what happened between us. If I had the answer to all my questions, I guess I would be a free woman. Then I get onto the train and make my way back home.