Not Good Enough


I finally get to the lake house and then I start to look for the key. I used to love coming here, it was so peaceful. But today I do not feel peaceful at all. I wish I can get rid of this feeling. I wish I can be as happy as I was last night. I really thought that we had something going on.

Finally, I get the key, and just as I put it into the keyhole someone makes me jump from a voice behind me.

"Hey, girla!

I jerk my head to where the voice is coming from and then I see my childhood friend Nicole. I give her a hug and she gives me a tight hug back.

"Where have you been in the world? You rarely come to the lake house anymore?!"

"I know! You must think that I am the worst friend in the world"

We laugh together and then I invite her into the house.

"For how long are you staying this time?"

I look at the floor trying to avoid her eyes because I do not want her to know that I am sad.

"I do not really know"