Ahn Ji-Ho, a nineteen year old girl is on a journey to find a new home amidst her world's calamity when she stumbles upon a mysterious and beautiful woman.
Zhou Meihua, a beautiful yet inept girl saves Ji-Ho from certain death, capturing her heart in an instant.
The two converse, and Ji-Ho is invited to forever stay by her side. Yet, a promise is shattered when the mysterious calamity known as the Decay swallows their personages whole, removing their memory from the face of the ruined Earth.
Waking up in a new world beside Mei, Ji-Ho discovers she has gained incredible and unknown power.
Ji-Ho finds herself in a completely different world with a beautiful girl she barely knows, one where god-like power is completely feasible.
A bird perched on a branch whistled a short and quiet tune under the waving wind as Ahn Ji-Ho sat under a tree, holding a smooth grey stone.
[Alchemic Exchange has been activated.]
The stone in her palm glimmered and then ran away in a flash of bright light, disappearing and leaving a piece of quartz in its place.
She set the the quartz down beside her, and watched as another small wound opened up on her wrist, letting her blood flow towards the soil.
[Alchemic Compensation has been received.]
It seemed that the baseline payment for an exchange was Ji-Ho own body, specifically her blood. She did not yet know if she was able to exchange anything other than that.
Ji-Ho glanced over at the items beside her, each sowed from multiple stones, brought to this world with her own blood.
A stone shaped like a bird, a ball of cotton, a piece of quartz, and a peridot gemstone sat perfectly still next to her in frozen and obtuse scarcity of time; a painting of strange still-life itself.
She had tested the limits of the ability, and had so far found out that she could mold substances, exchange them for something similar, something valuable, or obtain something entirely new.
Each exchange brought about different costs, each measured in her own body's resources.
By all instances of thought that she had conjured up, she had come to the conclusion that she had been transported to another world - one where such power was possible.
However, she felt that now she was farther from home than ever.
Art by @Qonnnarts
Another talented author. The novel was in good hands! The start was very poetic and the descriptions were splendid. Very pleasing to the eyes and ears. This needs more exposure to the novel to be discovered. A hidden gem within the sand.......
Aye this is really amazing! :D I really really love the writing style hehe! I love how descriptive the author is, making me completely immersed in the story <3 ALSOOO THE CHARACTERS' INTERACTION IS ADORABLE HEHEHEH <3 I support their relationship yay! :D Great work, author! <3
You did a great job for the entrance author. Setting a subtle yet melancholic mood, I was hook right away. I'm more of a BL lover than GL. But this story makes me change my preference. You did a great job here author! Keep up the good work!
Awesome story, awesome character. I am already in love with the main character and her personality. Such a unique story and beautiful plot advancement. So far I can say it is a book worth a proper read...
Reveal Spoiler
The writing quality is superb and the fact that the author writes so you actually relate with the characters emotionally like realistic beings is amazing. World building and character personalization is just remarkable, it feels as though you're in a whole new world reading the book.
GOOD JOB I only read first few chapters but i will keep reading when i get the chance, i like the immersion into the story that i get from this!
The begin of the story is a wonderful introduction to the world. It sets up the tone for the rest of the story neatly. Given the story a smooth flow.
yeah, the entry does live up to its name. it's nice, kinda makes you want to put in your full cognitive abilities as it has a way of interacting with the readers. all in all it's nice, the author's Grammer flow and everything.
I absolutely adore the dialogues between your characters, and it's beautifully written as well. I guess the only improvement now is to further develop your world building. But other than that, great story! Kudos :D
Wow the summary of the work is so... wow. I don't know how to express the feelings right now but all I want to do is dive right in! This looks soo good and the writing is 🤩😗👌 *chefs kiss*[img=update][img=recommend]
Get yourself a contract and make some shmoney!!!! out of your talent love. This is really amazing and not saying it for show, you've got the gift. totally going to add this to my list.
This book is super interesting and intriguing!!! I'm so excited to find out what happens next! Please keep writing. You're my favorite. <33333
It was a very well written and engaging book. The writing style is pretty good as well. The chapters are put together well too. The progression of the Mc is well done.
It reads very well, and although I could not really understand the actions of the main characters and why they could grow close so quickly, they were both likable characters and had adorable interactions with each other. Keep up the great work!