
Chapter 7: Precious Memory with Family

Well the data Asta had collected will be stored in Asta database for now as we are not able to start our own mecha company.

My first priority now is to increase spirit power and physical conditioning. Mecha operating will have to wait until I am 10 years old. As a rule of tumb children are only allowed to operate mecha after they are 10 years old. This is because research in the country have shown that operating a mecha below 10 years old will be detrimental to the growth of the young body.

My second priority now is to study on the components of the mecha, the engineering aspects of the mecha and the software programme. The software programme can easily be created by Asta to the best effect but isn't it more fufilling to create a mecha yourself.


Time pass quickly, I turn 5 years old and spring has arrive. Just one more year and I will be attending the elementary school. There is 2 types of elementary school I can join, either a military elementary school or a general elementary school. Military elementary school start the children young in training to be future soldier and it will be easier to develop in the future when they train younger as children are more adaptable. Whereas general elementary school teach general lessons and touch on a bit of the military to generate some interest in some children. Most general elementary school children will continue their path up to general civilian career.

Thus it is obvious for me to choose the military elementary school so I can be a mecha pilot in the future. However the downside is that military school require students to stay in the school. Only allowing student to return home during the holiday or special permission and event.

So with the remaining time I have, I spent less time training and more fun time with my family. With the previous incident, I have learnt to cherish my time with my family and not take the time we have for granted.

It is fun and relaxing to spend time with the family, playing and fooling as a child. Especially fooling around with my lovable mischievous younger sister, Qin Shui. She had turned 3 years old and had developed a mischievous personality, liking to play and yet clever too. She is both playful yet affectionate, wanting attention from the whole family as she is the princess of the family. Despite that our parents and myself also pamper her and shower her with lots of love. I also make time to play her, creating a lot of chaos in the house, like pranking the maids and servants as well as making a mess in the kitchen trying to make delicious food.

My father as always has been busy, still manage to come home with some time to spend quality time with the family and so we decided to go for a week of vacation.

We went out to a popular family vacation resort island where many family come to enjoy the time with their kids. The vacation resort is design to look less tech like and more attune to the nature, which it a good place to be relax and away from the hustle and bustle of the city life.

After dropping our essential in the vacation house we had rented. Qin Shui excitedly dragged mother and I to the beach and start playing. We enjoyed playing in the beach, swimming leisurely in the water, playing beach friendly beach volleyball and building sandcastle. Father especially spent lots of time playing with us to make up for the lost time he was not with us and to show his fatherly love to his children. Happy laughter and squeaks was heard continuously as we fool around and even splashing water at one another. Mother occasionally join us in playing but prefer to lay down on a beach chair under the sun and watch over us playing around.

"Don't forget to be careful as you run around, children, I don't want anybody to trip and fall" reminded mother with motherly concern.

Now that I pay attention, father look really young even though he is approaching his 30s. He is handsome and give out a composed temperamental. He has similar hair color of black color and deep red eyes. It can be easily seen that we are father and son, as I inherited most of his look except for the eye which are purple. On the other hand Qin Shui has a more striking resemblance with mother with red eyes of father. Overall it can be seen that our parents have beautiful looks and we had inherited the good genes.

Our butler accompanied and follow us around, taking photos along as we played around. The resort island also provide lots of entertainment services, like spa, arcade for the kids and even movie theater. We then ate delicious seafood like chilli crab, large oyster, barbecued fish, prawns and etc by the beach.

After dinner, we played with fireworks and enjoy the night sky full of the dazzling stars, the moon and the beautiful sea. Enjoying the tranquility and beauty of the sea as we sat there gazing. The day ends with sleeping in a comfy bed. We continue this cycle for the week of vacation, playing, relaxing and seeking the beauty of nature.

Finally, at the end of the vacation, we took a family photo together with our butler and headmaid to commemorate and record this precious and fun memory.

"On the count of three, 3,2,1 cheese" a maid said as she took the family photo

In the photo, my parent, Qin Lang and Qin Xue stand in the middle. My mother, wearing a graceful white color dress with her hair tied up holding little shui on her arm while little shui is hugging mother happily. I stood in front of father smiling while he patted my head proudly. He is only wearing his swimming shorts and look handsome with his tone body. Our butler standing beside father while the headmaid stand beside mother. The background of the photo is the beach and the vacation house we stayed at. In the photo, it can be seen that everyone are smiling and enjoyed the vacation.