Father and Son Bonding

Chapter 8: Father and Son Bonding

The vacation at the family resort island end on a happy note and now we are back to the comfort of our own home. Father will be staying with us for 3 more weeks before he has to return to the frontline and he decide to train me.

This all started because I have been training with the sword and is already quite proficient in it. However, I have never battle an opponent before thus I decide to ask for someone to spar with me. Hence I recently started simple sparring with our butler, uncle Ro with the swords and father saw us having a swordmanship spar.

Wanting to spent more time with his first born, he decided he will teach me swordmanship as he himself is also a master swordman.

"Listen up little Feng, a sword can be use offensive and defensive, it is versatile and strong but remember always wield the sword with the unyielding will to protect and If you do, you will have the strength to overcome all obstacles"

"When you attack with the sword, you will need to strike fiercely and quickly, ending the fight in as few move as possible. Locate their weak point and strike their weakness, think and use your brain, observe the enemy movement and attack, don't brutely attack"

"Defending is all about observing the movement and pattern of the enemy and interpreting the attack. You can then preemptively defend, using little force to divert the enemy attack away and strike back when they lose stability'

Qin Lang imparting his wisdom of swordmanship to Qin Feng as they spar repeatedly. Booming sounds of sword clashes resounded as they fight back and forth. It is obvious to the observers that Qin Feng is struggling with the spar as he give his all fighting while Qin Lang is holding back his power and skill, casually sparring against Qin Feng as he lecture him. This back and forth continued for hours until Qin Feng collapsed with heaps of sweat. Qin Feng is exhausted from the intense training but he had gain lots of insight into fighting and learn from the wisdom of his dad words. His body felt weak, leg and arm shaking from the strain of high intensity training.

"We will continue everyday for the rest of 3 weeks, I hope you give your best and not give up" Qin Lang said sternly

"Yes father! thank you for your guidance" Qin Feng respectfully thank his father

"hm... Go ahead and shower, you can go rest now"

This same scene repeated everyday for the next 3 weeks but with support in the form of mother and little shui cheering and motivating Qin Feng on the spar. The spar continue until Qin Feng collapsed in a sad sight and mother had to carry his battered body to shower and rest.

It was a tough and painful training, but the result of the the weeks of training is amazing. With Qin Feng persistent effort, he had become more skilled in actual sword fighting than his previous inexperienced one. He had learnt the proper form of sword fighting and the strategy taught by his father but further improvement has to be made through more experience and training.

"Well done my boy, you have persisted throughout the training and not give up. Remember as a man, you have to be brave and endure all the hardship, never give up, ok" Qin Lang advice while proudly patting on my head

"Yes father, I will engrave your teaching into my mind"


On the last day, father brought me to a forest nearby for some animal hunting. Another round of survival lecturing and tips was shared to me and I absorb all the knowledge like a sponge.

We were looking for animal tracks, identifying the animal from the track, follow the trail and sneak attack the animal when we found it. The collected prey are then stored away as we go through a few more rounds. Father also taught me of the fauna and flora in the forest. Which plant and fruits are edible and poisonous, how to identify them and which plants have medicine properties.

So why are we doing things manually when in a technologically advance world, there are lots of cool gadgets designed to able to perform the job. Like stealth suit that is able to hide the person from sight, reduce movement noise, smell given out and make less footprint. Furthermore there is also a tracking gadget that is able to track the prey easily. So why are we going through survival lesson and suffer the torment in the wild. This is because while technological advance gadgets are good to use, it is bad to be too reliant on them. As the gadgets may make not work or you are not equip with the gadget, you will have to depend on your own survival skills and do it the primeval way.

We ended the hunt by building a campfire in a open area by the river as we feast on our prey. While enjoying the meal, I suddenly thought of something I wanted to always ask father.

"Father, I have always been wanting to ask you what does piloting a mecha feels like?" I asked curiously

"What does it feel like piloting a mecha? I will say piloting a mecha is a very interesting experience, you get to fly, move around quickly and can be fun performing impressive feats. However intense strain can happen if your body is not strong enough to withstand the high movement of the mecha or under prolonged piloting"

"Father what about your mecha? and how strong are you?"

"hm.. my mecha is a specialised custom ace mecha, name Aurora. A mecha that excels in both close combat and long range fight. Aurora has been my trusty buddy for quite some time already. How strong am I, you have to figure that out yourself, you still have a long journey before you can reach my level boy" he said and laughed.

"Ah! I want to know how strong you are old man, I can't wait till I get my own mecha. Just you wait I will one day be stronger than you and beat you up!" I declared frustatingly

"hahaha.... I will be waiting" father smirk knowingly to my ignorance and annoyance.

Finally the outdoor adventure with father ended and we went home. Another fruitful day of learning as well as father and son bonding. I had become to understand father a bit more, seeing the serious,alert attitude of father when hunting and the stern attitude when teaching. Yet he is goofy and fun when he play around with the family. Conversely Qin Lang also understand Qin Feng better, learning of his love and dream for mecha, and being a future mecha pilot.

Every parent will want their children to live peacefully and happily but it seems that he decide he will not stop his son from pursuing the military as it is his dream as well as he is talented. He only hope that Qin Feng will remain positive after learning the harsh reality and survive in this harsh world. The world of the survival of the fittest. A world of war and monsters.