Chapter 1

You know that feeling when you're at a party and you know you're fucked up so you go to the bathroom and try and convince yourself you're ok? Yea that's currently what she is trying to do right now but by the looks of it the curly headed darkskin girl that has dried tears and mascara running down her face is far from it.

She tried to convince herself that she'd be ok, that tonight would be good for her. I mean what else is there to do when you get your heart ripped out and thrown onto the floor right? Going to parties has always been her way of forgetting or stalling the inevitable which today is the straight out fact that she, Aria Kellars has been dumped. Booze, dancing and those stale chips that no one actually eats to the side of the table were the way to go. However the loud music and the smell of sweat and booze did nothing to calm her aching heart and did nothing but aggravate the hangover she knows she is bound to have the next day.

A feeling of nausea washes over Aria and she suddenly feels the urge to go eat those damn stale chips. She quickly attempts to tame the sweat covered mess most people would call their hair and in the process pulls out a pencil.

How the hell did that get there.

Aria brings her hands up to her face and tries to wipe away the tears, keyword tries, she does nothing but spread the mascara down all over her cheek and somehow onto her forehead. With one last look and wink in the mirror she's off on her journey to the living room for those stale chips and one more bottle of vodka.

Pushing through all the sweaty bodies and perverted specimen she finally reaches the drinks table and with a cheer she walks around it and grabs a closed bottle of vodka and the bowl off to the left of the table.

"Fuck yea there's still a bottle of vodka left... Mmm now I need a chaser..." she mumbles to herself.

She glances around the drinks table and notices nothing but more alcohol, damn these frat boys really know how to party huh.

Realizing she won't find a chaser on the large table of liver failure she sighs knowing she needs to get to the kitchen. Aria glances at the faint yellow glow known to be the kitchen area beyond all the dancing bodies grinding on each other. She rolls her eyes at one couple practically having sex right in the middle of the dance floor.

Some people really need to learn how to reel it in.

She feels her heart sink at one of the many intrusive thoughts that randomly appears and pushes it's way to the front of her mind as she glances at the couple once again, I used to be one of those stupid idiots practically having sex on the dance floor though...

No no no, we're not doing this tonight. We're here to have fun, to forget, she reminds herself.




She repeats that newly found mantra in her head and changes paths to the yellow glow in the distance. She feels like she's fighting off pirates in the deadsea. Dodging, ducking moving to the side and even jumping just to avoid touching all these disgustingly sweaty strangers.

As she fights her way through the sweaty pirates of Black Beards crew she notices the yellow glow becoming clearer and brighter the closer she gets.

Almost- her thought is cut off as a body rams into her from behind and suddenly she's falling.

Aria sees it all happen in slow motion.

The bottle of vodka flies out of her hands and begins sailing through the air. Nooo my baby! She begins sprinting after it stepping over all the long forgotten spilled crisps which had slipped from her grasp at the same time as the bottle. The vodka went up and the crisps went down.

It seems like time stopped as she runs to catch the bottle, she feels everyone's eyes on her as she goes but she doesn't care all she wants is her special bottle of forget everything syrup.

With one last final leap she jumps into the air practically kicking a red head in the face. With her eyes shut tightly she blindly holds out her hands and just as she thought she wasn't going to make it she feels the bottle land gracefully in her hands, I can't say the same for her.

With a loud and painful thump Aria hits head first into the ground. She doesn't care though all she cares about is her dearest forgetting syrup so she shields the bottle in her arms from the impact of the fall.

It seems like the entire room just witnessed a murder, everyone is silent and the music has long become a gentle tune of background noise.

With only one thought in her head she gently opens her arms to reveal the vodka bottle still intact. It's silent for all of 3 seconds before everyone begins to cheer and the music is put back on full blast again.

She let's out a sigh of relief as someone pulls her to her feet. A crowd has formed around her filled with many congratulations and hard pats of the back from football players she's seen around town. She didn't care though, she couldn't feel anything. Blatantly ignoring everyone's assuming eyes she glides to the kitchen, the crowd suddenly parting like the red sea as if she were Moses.

Holy crap that was a close one. How did I even manage to catch that what the fu- "Kels! Great to see you again it's been a hot minute yea? Good fucking catch! " a bulky guy comes out of nowhere and seems to be blocking the kitchen entrance. "Uhm can I get through dude?" she says confusion written all over her face at who this perfectly handsome stranger is.

"Oh come on don't be like that. You can't be telling me you don't recognize your old pal from high school?!" Aria looks to the left then behind her as if someone will pop up and tell her who this guy is but to no avail she is stuck with that same look of confusion.

Who is this guy I just want my damn chaser jeez.

She looks him up and down the looks at his face, but really looks this time not just a glance and something about him seems... familiar.

Wait a damn minute do I know this guy? Something about him reminds me of someone I used to know.

He gives her a bright smile and with glassy eyes she looks at him and then it clicks, "KYLE???!!!IS THAT YOU!!???" She raises her voice to an unnecessary volume and screams at the man built of stone.

"The one and only baby!!!" he says with a grin, he spreads his arms open and Aria jumps into them willingly.

It's hard to believe this man built of stone, practically carved by God himself, is Kyle. Kyle Martin. Lanky, quiet, book worm Kyle Martin. People change after high school that's for damn sure. I mean look at Aria, she wasn't the best looking back in the day either but she had the personality so naturally people gravitated towards her. She didn't really like all the attention though, that's how she met Kyle. They both preferred sitting in the court yard under the trees during lunch and because a court yard can only be so big, they ended up talking.

"Kyle, my man! MY BROSKIIIIIII! HOW THE HELL ARE YAH?!?!" Aria practically screams in the poor man's face. "You look fucking great, really fucking great LIKE GODDAMN!" She says looking him up and down in a way she probably shouldn't have but who cares, you don't have a Greek God standing Infront of you everyday. "Me?My love look at you! I can't believe how different you look! You're fucking GORGEOUS!"

Aria takes a step away from him and begins striking poses, "Oh it's nothing really hun, I just started prioritizing myself for once you know." she winks at him and he let's out a chuckle. "As you should Queen." He smiles at her and looks around the room.

It's hard to believe that this is Kyle... The Kyle Martin, but just looking at his smile she knows it really is him. She'd recognize that smile from miles away. It may be obvious at this point but Aria had at one point developed feelings for Kyle while they were in school. Being one of her best friends however she never did tell him and just moved on with her life, since they were going to different universities she brushed away the feelings. She went her way and he went his.

It feels good to see a familiar face, especially today of all days. If anyone can make her feel better it's Kyle. Just looking at his smile suddenly her mood is brightened. Aria had been so lost in her own thoughts she had not noticed that Kyle was talking to her.

"Kels? Hellooo?" he gently shakes her shoulders which makes her feel slightly nauseous but she pushes through. "Haha yes yes sorry I got lost in thought." she smiles up at him beaming at the smile he gives her in return. "What are you even doing here anyways?" he asks. "Well... I... You see it's- I don't really-" she struggles to find the right words to explain her current situation, also known as heart break. "It's cool you don't have to talk about it." He says calmly noticing her hesitancy on the subject. "How about we just have some fucking FUN! I MEAN THIS IS A COINCIDENTAL REUNION AFTER ALL! "

With those words Aria suddenly remembers that she's been drinking and feels the weight of the alcohol all at once. She stumbles towards the kitchen pushing Kyle out of the way while laughing like a manic.

"LET'S GET WHITE GIRL WASTED!" She screams as she enters the kitchen. A bunch of people scream out words of encouragement as she opens the bottle of vodka. Kyle drapes his arm over her shoulder and takes the bottle from her hand stealing the first swing. She never did ask him why he's at this frat party but she doesn't care anymore. It is what it is and right now she will fulfill her reason for going to the dumb party in the first place.





Authors note:

Not edited.

I'm not a professional haha.

I've always enjoyed writing and I have so many ideas.

I remember reading so famous person I think said something like "If there's ever a story that you want to read and you can't find it, just write it yourself." I don't know something like that right?

Anyways enjoy I guess.
