Chapter 2

The night was spent taking shots, screaming at unnecessary volumes, jumping off of the roof into the pool and grinding with some random person she couldn't remember. Aria is sure someone was with her but she can't seem to remember. Whatever it'll come to her eventually right? Well it appears her mission was a success. She was able to forget all her problems, forget about her messy hair, forget about the mascara all over her face and most importantly forget about the asshole that tore out her heart. She was able to have fun and just enjoy her night.

She makes her way towards the kitchen for one more drink but gets stopped as a hand wraps around her waist. "Come on, I think you've had enough for tonight." the Strange person drags her outside. "You're Aria right?" the strange person asks her. The drunk girl stumbles and slurs all over the place almost face planting into the bushes.

"I want another drin.. k" she says with slurred words. The stranger grabs her arm and Aria tries to fight whoever it is off. "Leh me gooooo!" she screams like a stubborn child in a toy store.

The stranger sits down on the steps and grabs Aria putting her in between their legs and caging her with their arms. Aria stares at the arms with blurry vision and starts so make out pretty ink blotches on the strangers arms and veins prominently sticking out. "Mmm! Yummy!" she licks her lips and without hesitation bites down on the arm.

"ARIA WHAT THE FUCK?! ARE YOU A DAMN MOSQUITO?!?!" The stranger shouts but she pays no mind to it, "Mm tastes like mint." she giggles to herself and feels the stranger pull her closer to their for some reason rock hard body. The scent of cinnamon and mint encases her as she feels the arms flex around her.

With half closed eyes she sees him, yes him, it's not hard to figure out with arms like that and a body like that, this sexy smelling stranger is a man. She watches him pull out his phone and open some app.

"Aria I need you to put in your address.." the strange man trails off as he tunes in and hears her babbling about clouds looking like the Grinch. "I mean ok yes I get it, they can't control the way they look but out of all things to look like why did that one look like the Grinch? Mr Cloud could've at least TRIED to look like a pretty heart right? RIGHT?"

"Oh God what have I gotten myself into.. " he says to himself. The Strange man gently gets up and guides Aria towards the tree on the front lawn."Aria, Mr Tree is going to look after you while I go and look for the person that called me ok? Don't leave Mr Tree." she looks at the tree and immediately begins talking as if it's her old pal from school.

The strange man sighs and walks back into the party glancing once more at where he left Aria with Mr Tree... I mean the tree, glancing once more at where he left Aria by the tree. He pushes through all the disgusting bodies and reaches the kitchen in search for the person who had called for his service. The only information given was "Pick up for Aria, she will most likely be in the kitchen." and that's it, no address or anything.

When he enters the kitchen he begins asking around about her and seeing if anyone knows where she lives.

"Oh that chick that did that amazing jump and caught that bottle? Hell yea she's fucking awesome! We could've used someone like her on our team."

"The girl that had mascara all over her face? She danced with me for like 10 seconds but then she ran away talking about some cloud... CAN YOU BELIEVE SHE DANCED WITH ME?!?!"

"Dudeeeeee you should've been here when she jumped off of the roof into the pool, IT WAS EPIC!"

DAMN THESE DRUNK PEOPLE! The stranger filled with tattoos starts getting frustrated, everytime he mentions Aria to someone they just talk about some cool thing she did but no one seems to know who she really is.

" Did I hear someone talking about Aria?" some random buff guy pops up out of nowhere. Tattoo guy looks him up and down.

"Yea I'm looking for the person that called for a lift using the Pick Me Up app? I need her address."

The tattooed stranger gives the buff guy suspicious eyes. "Oh shit yea that was me, she and I had a bit much to drink so I decided it was best to get her a lift cause I won't be driving anytime soon." The guy takes a sip of his beer as he talks about having a bit too much to drink. Fucking idiot. Tattoo guy rolls his eyes and clears his throat. " Do you have her address. "

"Nah I never thought that far ahead." he let's out a derpy laugh and looks around awkwardly then pauses. "WAIT I REMEMBER WHERE HER MOM LIVES!" He beams with a bright smile as if he's waiting for a pat on the head. He puts it into the GPS and the stranger leaves without another word.

He heads for the backdoor because frankly ew. How do people dance and jump around in their own sweat for hours on end and not get sick of the smell? The music is way too loud, it's a wonder the police haven't been called yet but whatever. They're leaving soon anyways.

The man filled with tattoos rounds the corner to the front yard but something is off. It's silent, usually he'd bask in it but he was expecting to hear a drunk girl babbling about the Grinch to a tree. Instead all there is, is silence. Fuck this was supposed to be his last Pick up dammit. He runs towards the tree but Aria is nowhere to be found. He searches in the bushes and under the cars near by but nothing. It's like she vanished.

"Aria!" he calls out her name for about 5 minutes hoping she'd hear him and come back but as expected there was no response. He sits under the tree and rests his head back with his eyes closed. "Fuck I need to go study-" he is cut off by what starts out as small sniffles, then giggles and soon enough it's full blown laughter. He looks around quickly and stands up calling out her name once more. "Aria!" but no response. Wiping off the imaginary dirt he turns to face the tree and looks up, "Maybe I should call-" this time he gets cut off by his own words as he spots her.

"ARIA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN THE TREE!" Aria begins cackling like a maniac and without realizing let's go of the branch. Suddenly she's sailing through the air still laughing like a witch, she never feels the impact of her body hitting the ground but rather arms wrap around her and hold her close. "Mmmm cinnamon." she mumbles while sticking her head in the strangers neck and deeply inhaling. He clears his throat and walks her towards his car, strapping her in. He sets his phone on the tripod and begins the drive. The sooner he gets her home the sooner he can go study and the less he has to worry.

This is his last pick up of the night, his company is very strict on who they hire, everyone has to go through background checks and evaluations because majority of their users are females, drunk females to be exact. It's dangerous out there for women and being a drunk woman is even worse, the amount of danger a woman is in every single day for simply just being that... A woman, is terrifying. That's why his boss created the company called Pick Me Up. They get a call, pick up the drunk or sober female, take them home and make sure they're safe. It's a great service and it pays well. It's pretty simple really. Aria appears to be a special cause however. Talking to Mr cloud and Mr Tree what kind of nutcase is she exactly? He glances at her from the corner of his eye and chuckles.

"Why did you climb Mr Tree?" he askes. She happily sits up in her seat and turns her full body towards him, "Well Mr Tree said he couldn't hear me so well on the ground so I climbed him so we could talk better, plus I wanted to give him a BIG hug for all the wisdom and advice he gave me about Max." she talks openly with her hands and makes big gestures just like a child would. That strange man covered in tattoos looks at her with piercing green eyes and for a moment Aria is actually breathless. She knows the drool is coming before she feels it going down her chin.

She rests her head on the back of the seat and watches the sexy stranger.

Even while sitting down she can tell this strange man is extremely attractive. From his side profile she's already practically inlove. He has a strong jawline and amazing pouting lips, his nose is amazing, nice a straight but not too sharp with a nice curve. Let's not get started on his cheekbones cause as Lady Gaga once said in AHS, his cheekbones are to die for.