Welcome to Encephia!

"Would you rather die as a hero or live as a villain?"

"You have to accept your fate, son!"

"Sorry, Xyryl but..but.."

"Staying inside this village is the safest"

"Showing off means suicide!"

Running as far as he can can surely bring him a heart attack. He almost can't breath. It's sure they'll never set him free from that prison. It's like he's still a kid with the protection they are giving him and it's choking him inside.

"My fate? I'll write mine" smirking. He won't let his parents control his life any longer.

"Son! We have to tell you something!"

With a confused heart, finally he met the modernized world he've never had the chance to witness since his tenth birthday. Finally stepped his foot outside the village he grew up with.

"Hiding from the danger you're saying is cowardness. It's fun because it's dangerous!" excited waving his hand to his friends inside the village- their maids and drivers.


Things goes that fast. It can make him vommit viewing these scenes with a twirling vision. Like water colors mixed with each other enveloping his sight with the noise his ears can't afford to hear.

"Ha, ha, ha" waking up with a deep sigh and was mesmerized by the things around him.

'I thought I was dead?'

He was about to sit down when Reed pressed his forehead going back to sleep

"Why did you wake up? We're about to eat and was about to eat your food " Reed whinned. He is a thirteen years old.

Chuckling, the remaining strangers in the room went down and inviting him to follow them.

'I'm more like inside of a game than of the after life. '

Their names can be read on top of their heads. With their I.D? and a green and a white line beside it.

The way Lynix's and Reed dressed though caught his attention. They're like having a costume party or something. These two are wearing a hysterical way of clothing. Are they a fairy or some mythical creature.

'I don't feel hunger but it seems fun being with other people. Finally!'

The house is two-story and have a theme of formal. It is colored white and gray making it look simple yet marvelous.

Levi stared directly at Lynix with a crossed arm. "Shortie, start explaining"

"I happened to have a beautiful name, Lynix" replying Levi's stares that made the tension heavier.

Having four strangers to eat with right now give him some feeling of nostalgia. Levi, a well-built guy, Reed, Lynix, as the well-built guy said she's short and Ellaine.

Lynix began to eat and speak "Basically, the three of you woke up on the same house because we're a team"

"For what?" confused taking a spoon of the ice cream right in front of him.

Asking him with a mocking tone. "What? You don't know?" She even lifted her hands up emphasizing that he don't know.

"Why would I ask you if I know?" Leaning to the chair. 'Ow. I appreciate this wooden chair.'

"I'll explain the basics. Figure the rest out on your own"

"Reed, you'll be the model" grabbing Reed and making him stand infront of them, he's taller than her. He's quiet confident for a thirteen years old.

"This is your I.D" pointing out the box with the picture of Reed's face. "This green line represents your life here" pointing the green line beside the I.D. "this white line below the green line is your mana. If this went out, you can't even move". 'No doubt, this really is a game. And why the hell am I here?! '

"Lastly, this sign here, is your skill level. As for Reed he has no level since he lived here since he's born" ending it.

What really is this?

The senses was not even working. He can't smell the food nor taste it. He can't feel the table. 'Am I a soul?' Basically, with every sense that they have, the sense of hearing and sight are just the senses that's working.

Ellaine finally asked pointing out Levi's life written inside 'Help'. "So what's this?"

"Oh, I forgot. That's your purpose here"

Curiousity made Xy raise his head to see what's his purpose but surprised to see nothing. Not even the green line nor the white nor the I.D.

"Then why don't I have those?"

Lynix tapped his shoulders "It's the illusion of the eyes" she winked.

"Now, you're the real idiot!" Levi seems satisfied with a hint of enthusiasm in his face.

Reed questioned with a 'I have an idea' pose. "Have you ever seen your head without a mirror?"

Without seconds wasted, he got up from the table and went straight to the mirror.

No scars? From the last time he remembered, his body was laying at the ground feeling the pain that accident gave him. Can still imagine the pain but how is it possible that there's no single hint of scars in his face? Nor pain.

"I get it. Then what's my purpose?" still looking at the mirror since there is no purpose written for him there.

Lynix seriously bowed signalling she can't answer the given question. "That's the thing that's odd. Everyone who's coming here have choosen their purpose before they even appear"

Silence took control for some time when he

came back to his sit and resume eating. It's pointless. They can't even taste it or even feel the strength it gives them.

"The thing that's more odd is you don't know anything" Reed pointed his finger at him that left him confused.

"That's acceptable, it's my first visit here" continued eating the food in his plate without looking at Reed's direction.

Reed shushed him for a second getting his attention. "No, it's not. Everyone here understand this world before they even got here"

Meeting his gaze "What? How?"

He shrugged.

All of them kept quiet then and enjoy their tasteless meals by themselves. Maybe they're also giving them time to process things. Or maybe just Xy.

Just what exactly is happening? What's the dream, is it him being crashed by a car or this fantasy like humans infront of him?