Eyes starting to Open

"Think for yourself" Ellaine's voice echoed louder in his head. He couldn't understand, she's supposed to explain everything she know that's why they're talking outside.

Putting his hands on his hips he bended like a mom mad to her child. "Tch. I'm not the only one who's useless here"

Encephia was a mysterious chapter of his life. The life he's travelling is going too fast from the village to his verge of death then ending to this paradise like world. Artificially, the blending of nature and humans are splendidly unexplainable.

Fixing her posture staring at the same orchestra as Xy "What will you see?" Curiousity was filling her as to how her comrade will view this world.

"What?" Turning his shocked expression to the girl beside him. A connection was present and was really visible as to the air.

"Everyone have this filter thing in their head, collecting facts that they can relate to and ignoring those opposites. So what's your truth about this world?" Her brain was taking her deep down to her subconscious wondering what makes Xy special.

Their world is really different from this one, protecting Xy was their job and how special he is, is her question.

"It felt like I'm related to it. It's like I'm a drop of a water in the ocean"

"I see"

"Nonetheless, a connection between us is felt" consuming his breath to look deeper at this unknown connection. A feeling he never experienced before and a spark of heat was present at his heart. What could this be?

"Mind joining me in, in that connection?" Levi butted in with his serious expression. That same connection was also felt from him adding salt to the newbie's knowledge.

Xy courageously state what's on his mind."No doubt to the truth" whatever this connection must be, it's clearly connected to the clarity he's seeking from the beginning of his breath.

A danger was present and he's aware of it before he even step at the entrance of their village and now is the perfect time for him to face the world hidden at the perk of his height.

"Better tell that to Satan when you're in hell" 'Why is this guy mad anyway?'

Ignoring the rampaging body guard on his side he tried to smell the breeze of the cold air but no to vain. It was very pleasant to the eye but not that appealing to the other senses. Whoever created this world, he needed to try this out for himself.

"A moron ignoring me?" Pride striked at Levi.

The one Levi's talking to, glanced at him with an innocent look making him furious. But before he could even make a move, the woman with them tapped his shoulders "Think deeply about that CONNECTION" whispering to him as his eyes widened. "Don't tell me..." Ellaine smiled nodding at him.

"So what if I'm ignoring you?" Destroying the moment between the two. What have gotten to them and in an instant they understood each other. Xy was really the only one who doesn't have any hint of this world and what's going on.

Ellaine clapped her hands then back to the original state of herself "Hunger is killing me. Let's eat!" Running inside like a child.

The two followed as their manas was also decreasing slipping the former topic aside. Seeing 'La potato's tellio, Levi and Xy rushed to get the last piece of one, unexpectedly, they've got the same taste on foods. Their glances met making a thunder link with a tensional grin. "Better be careful on where you're landing your hands" Levi stated with a dark heavy voice still staring at Xy. The staring competition was still on "Guess, you're speaking to yourself" with the same tone as his opponent.

Without any second wasted, the two jumped into each other and begin fighting showing each other's unique combat techniques. The remaining people at the kitchen we're seeing how idiotic those are with their satisfied eyes.

"You two! You're in my house! And my house, my rules" their mother-like, Lynix finally shouted throwing a chair at the both of them. Luckily, they can't feel anything.

Hurriedly fixing their positions sitting with their kneels bend on the floor avoiding each other's gaze.

"Let's see. I got it! Your punishment is, share the same bedroom for the nig-"

"I refuse" both of them disagreed.

"Let's see then! Share the same bedroo-"

"I refuse"

"Well" her voice became heavier indicating she's mad with the playful look in her eyes. Her dark aura was felt making them smile awkwardly. Both lifted their heads to see her reaction and with just a blink of an eye, they're already outside of the house in the very front of the closed door.

Their first day has been like this. The house owner showed up in the balcony giving them a teasing look "Good luck!" Saluting them then goes back inside.

"Damn that 'La potato's tellio" Levi hissed.

Their eyes widened venturing the world they just happened to meet. It was as endless as an ocean and as beautiful as the seafloor. Without feeling tired and cold, they'll definitely enjoy this not minding the white cloth they're wearing. It's like they're an escaped mental hospital patients.

"Since, you don't have any purpose. Let's create one. Even though it will not be written, it's better than to not have a clear goal after all" Levi hitted some points getting into Xy. He really needed to have something to do with this just known world.

"Let's see" lifting his arms to his heads.

"You're expecting a moron to think something?" Giving Levi an 'I can't think' look. As a matter of fact, he don't know how to deal with the world yet. To have dreams for the world and have the intention leaving it behind better than before. Everything just seems new to him.

"You don't know, do you?" With a disappointed look he turned looking for some food. Additional to his disappointment, they don't have money.

"Don't think a lot about it. It will come when I needed it the most" grinning to assure his former opponent with a great thumbs up.

"Better be, moron"