You and your armor is one

"Levi, am I the only one who wants to shut my eyes for a century?" Xy's manas were already draining the energy out of him so they decided to just wait at the very door they were kicked out in. With the sun beaming at their faces, their hopes to sleep in the house was getting higher and higher. They've never tried or even became a beggar in their whole lifetime making it hard for them to sleep outside acting that it doesn't matter.

"Uhm. And I'm the only one who wants to shut your mouth forever" Levi shut him as he will lose more mana if he'll talk as much as he can.

The wind's blowing their hair up but it wasn't felt, the sun as well is shining but it's like it's only a portrait. It must be nice to feel the peace of nature.

"How nice to wake up early in the morning" an enthusiastic voice wake their spirit up opening the door they're leaning at.


"You can't feel anything" Reed reminded. Looking at them with a 'nothing important' facial expression but ignored it with their remaining manas.

Time was forgotten as darkness swallow the two come back deserters. The door was their sleeping placeand it did actually let them feel comfortable.

Waking up with the noise enveloping Xy's ear "Haha.. Whoops! Whoops!!" He managed to open his eyes and see what's happening against the light, covering his eyes with his hands then removed it when his sight have adopted to the brightness.

Those eyes widened as his expression changes in the realization that they're still on the front door! Levi's sleeping peacefully as if he never said that Xy's the only one who's losing mana a while ago, laughing at his own thought.

"What are you guys doing!" finally shouted seeing them jumping at him and Levi. They can't feel anything but

"This is already an abuse!" complaining again showing them an angry expression.

"Hahaha! You already awake? It's already three pm. We did everything to wake the two of you up and seems you really enjoy sleeping at the front door. You really don't want to sleep on your bedroom, huh?" Lynix teased and continued jumping at them like they're a trampoline.

What? Just what the hell!!!


With a pouting look "No one really bothered to carry us?" Xy was really bothered by that. Everytime on their mansion when he slept on the sofa, he'll wake up at his bedroom. It was his first time sleeping at the very front door without his parents nagging.

"Yes and we're proud we didn't do it. You both hate the bedrooms" Lynix smiled innocently fixing the dining table. The sounds of crashing plates and kitchen wares are as crisp as it echoes turning the kitchen alive.

Levi whispered with the same feeling as Xy "Do you think these guys want to have gun shower on their bedrooms?". Just a fact, who will ever hate a comfortable bed?

"I guess they'd prefer bombs" he thumbs up while grinning.

"I see. You became friends in just a night?" Ellaine suddenly joined the conversation with an inspecting look. Surely she heard their plan. Crossing her arms and looking at them again and again forcing them to speak up.

"Nothing will make men friends than defending their bedrooms" her body guard seriously glared at her. He has a childish side. They're still eating their dishes to fill their stomach up before executing their plans.

With a thinking posture "I see" Ellaine was still filling her mind with questions to how did the two became friends in just a short period of time.

Without further investigation Lynix joined the conversation with a new topic "So. We're a team. A member's move will be the teams move. We will name our team.." she was in deep thought.

"Don't think you don't have a brain" Reed interrupted as he approach from the kitchen door. "Squad" he continued like a genius pointing his pointing finger up having the 'I have an idea' expression.

"Genius!" approving him with a thumbs up.

"These morons lack brains" Lynix protested moving her head side by side with a face palm.


The wind can be heard by their ears as they walk towards the town. Lynix arranged an armor and cloths shopping for them to start their purpose at that world.

The shop was as simple as Lynix's house making it wonderful yet lots of variety of things can be seen by the naked eye outside through it's glass walls. As soon as they're inside, he started picking a sword, his eyes caught the one with a black and red color as he touched it. It's kind of refreshing.

"Find the cloth you want. The very cloth you want because you will not change that" The shopkeeper suddenly announced introducing himself with a grand entrance. It won't be possible to change their clothes since the world is like a game. Eating, drinking and sleep is only allowed to gain some mana but in contrast they won't sweat, have odors, fart, urinate and whatever things that produces carbon dioxide.

"Hey! Can you help me to decide on what cloth to get and armor as well" a cute little kid appeared having her enthusiastic look in the eyes pulling Xy's white cloth. He still looks like an escaped prisoner from a mental hospital.

"You talking to me?"

"Nope. Someone at your back"

"Of course to you"

"You're such a nagger ignoring how short you are" this little kid gives him a younger bro feeling, laughing at his self.

"Just give me some tips. I'm tired choosing what would I like here"

"Regarding to armor, just choose what makes you feels you. During a Battle, you have to fight with your battle equipment as one. As to your cloth, just find what's comfortable"

"Oh.. this might look beautiful to me"

"What makes you comfortable" correcting his little sister pointing the other cloth on her other arm.