Encephia's Threatening Guests

"What do you think you're doing?!"


A commotion stopped everyone inside the shop, a slashing sound was heard and bad feelings started to pile up. Everyone went outside thinking of what's happening. It's such a sunny and wonderful day and nobody expected this to happen.

Two bodies were seen soaked with blood as they began to evaporate and disappear like a paper burning. Xy was caught off guard when Alon appeared at his back.

"Such a cute kid" holding the Lyc's neck, the kid Xy met at the shop. With a blink of an eye, his expression turned dark as he produced a heavy aura. The hostage taker was about to slash her neck when Xy moved faster and saw the slow motion drops of blood from Alon's head. Alon dropped his body to the ground as it disappeared infront of Xy.

Leaving his guard off, Shawn, another Moon Knight approached him swaying his hand to Xy's shoulder like they're close buddies "Wow! No hesitation. No mercy! Wanna join Moon Knights?" His sincere smile haven't reached Xy's any inch of emotion. He's a warior in the very end who's stronger than his emotions.

"My squad might need a murderer" turning down the offer. His expressionless face was maintained and his posture was still the same.

"You're fierce for a beginner"

"Uhm" slicing the man's arms separating them. His emotions we're all drained and the man's happy behavior might get him to hell.

"I like you even more!" Giving Xy a final goobye, waved his hands and gather the remaining Moon Knights to retreat. Their calm expression added curiousity to the one left behind. They're comrade was dead and it's nothing to them?

He was about to run when a little hand gripping his cloths stopped him "You can be stained" still restraining himself. That very day, he became a murderer.

"Thanks for that. Bro!" His face grew lighter witnessing the shining bright light at the kid's face. The smile she's giving off was also a source of warmth. This unknown sister of his is certainly a blessing.

"Find your team and grow stronger. This world needs someone like you"

"Roger!" Saluting to her new found brother without realizing how troubled he is. She's never considered a family in the outside world making her live on the streets and her bro's existence really gave her a will to fight for those abandoned like her.

Stepping back from everyone avoiding every gaze wanting to have time for himself. It was unusual for him, during his fierce training, his teacher haven't taught anything about the feelings he had now.

"I..I..I d..d.. don't .." Fenian approached him but he still showed no emotion nor feelings. He walked faster and met Levi on the way. Levi was also quiet not meeting his gaze.


"You're here!" Ellaine greeted as soon as he stepped his foot at the door. His eyes roamed the room eyeing Fenian and the others having their meeting.

"Fenian offered to be a part of this team since we don't have any long target range. He's bows and arrows user" Lynix introduced. Xy nod at him accepting his presence and also got disappointed by Fenian's scared look.

"As he said, there are these Moon Knights, they have six members?" Lynix switched her gaze to Fenian to reassure what she's stating. He nod as an agreement. Xy joined the discussion sitting between Levi and Fenian since it's the only spot not taken.

"They're usually tied to each member. But a while ago they're just four" Fenian added.

"Their strength is felt and it's possible that getting Alon killed was a part of their plan. If not, they could have defended him" Levi stood up. Walking back and forth gesturing that he's deep in his thoughts.

"Enlighten me" Xy lightened the atmosphere speaking with a joking tone. The guilt was still present in him but one of his lessons was to move fast. He's aware he can't change the fact even though he will think of it for a decade. A part of him, let the matter already go.

"Oh, I forgot there's a moron here" Levi was also set backed by Xy's attitude. They're back with their original state.

"Why is he a moron?" The newbie was surely unupdated about why and he have a lot to learn more about them.

"He's the only one sent here without any knowledge. In short he's really a moron"

"I see. He's a real moron"

"That moron you're talking are right in between you two" eyeing the two guys close to him with a thunder.

"You know the nerve gear, don't you?" Fenian began asking Xy returning the serious atmosphere a while ago meeting his stares.

"As a matter of fact, I took part in creating it" confidently pointing his thumb to his self coming up with an unexpected realization. That realization hit him like Cupid's arrow in his head.

"Don't tell me. Encephia's creators are the Gauzes?!"

"That's certain"

Xy's also back with deep realizations speaking his thoughts up "Now, it explains. Then Alon was not really dead physically huh? His whereabouts in this world was the only thing that took part on that death"

"Good thing, you still have some brain" Levi sat patting Xy's head like he's a kid collecting an annoyed face from him.

Nerve gear was a technology designed to connect someone's whereabouts to an artificial world. It is like the updated version of Virtual Reality. Peoples can connect to each other as they fall asleep and let them met at their subconscious. It's an updated combination of messenger, virtual reality and of course games.

The Gauze family created it to heal those who have illneases starting when Xy first imagined it when the COVID-19 pandemic conquered the world to make everyone continue their life. To still continue studying with their classmates and teachers, working with their team, to still attend parties, and enjoyed life in the new normal. But since it ended, to cure those illnesses while they're being entertained was a great idea!