Creepy stalker

(Ezra POV)

When we arrived back to civilization, I called my driver for him to take her, I have something very important to do... Minutes later the driver arrived, he got out of the car and opened the door for her "You can go first, I will call you later. I remembered I have something very important to do."

she looked sad but simply replied "*sigh* Okay then, see you later" she kissed me in the cheek and entering the car. I waited for them to be out of sight and went back into the place where I showed her my powers "You can come out now" I said with a expressionless face, a silhouette came out from the top of a tree.

A humanoid with a volcano on his head fell on his feet in the ground "Kekeke... So you noticed me... I knew that I would find someone strong, when you used that red skill I felt how strong you were but I thought you never noticed me so I was almost going away." the man said with a smile in his face

"What do you want?" I replied coldly

"I want to kill you of course"

"Are you dumb or something? You don't even know how powerful your opponent is, but this isn't even the most important thing! Why the fuck do you want to fight? Fight is a strong word, getting beat up to a pulp" I could feel the rage building up in him, his head begun to produce smoke

"Human..." The smoke got bigger and sparks started to come out too, suddenly a stream of fire flew violently gushed out of his head "HOW DARE A MERE HUMAN DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT!!!!!! TELL ME YOUR NAME BEFORE I KILL YOU!" I smirked at his attitude

"My name is Gojo Ezra. Now tell me yours Mt.Fuji"

"REMEMBER THE NAME JOGO!! THE ONE WHO'S GOING TO KILL YOU" he dashed towards me making a crater appear on the ground beneath him, without moving I let him light my head on fire "Tsk, you were acting so arrogantly just to die like that" he turned around making his, cape? I don't know the name of that

"You have a fire quirk huh?" he quickly turned into my direction surprised

"What? I am sure I killed you"

"So naive, I told you already, fighting someone you don't know the skills it's fucking stupid. Such petty tricks won't work on someone like me, someone that completely mastered her quirk, go on try me" I taunted him making him angrier, a crevice appeared on the a big tree by my side shooting lava at me, seconds later it fell in the ground and few standing in the invisible barrier around me "This is the first time someone uses a gaping anus to attack me. *sigh* you're wondering why you can't touch me right? I will show you." I gave him my hand "Come on come on" he spread his fingers like mine and tried to touch my hand, a invisible force made it impossible for him to touch my hand 'I can't touch her!' I close my hand locking him in a grip "Now it's time for my counter attack" I pulled him closer and punched him with 40% of my power making him cough blood and get throw away "There's still more!"

'She's fast!' my body appeared in front of him launching a barrage of punched and kicks, I grabbed his leg and thew him hundreds of meters away hitting a rock wall close to an empty street causing a big dust screen to be lifted. I jumped and got there in a split second "Infinity exists everywhere. Cursed Technique Reversal: Red" the red orb was twice as big as before, the amount of power that came out now was almost 5 times stronger than the previous one, consequentially destroying kilometers of forest.

He somehow escaped only losing his entire left hand, hundreds of lava shooting gaping anuses (Volcanos) appeared on the ground burning even more forest "Dude! Try to limit your range a bit, trees are important for the world dumbass!" I then hear sirens closing our location, he seemed to hear them too but didn't give a shit. We continued to attack each other "Cursed Technique Azure Lapse" a blue orb formed by my side and begun to move sucking all matter close to it and destroying them, he dodged it with ease so I need to use the upgraded version "Maximum energy output" the black hole (Lapse blue is pretty much a black hole, or should I say a blue whole *sad sax sounds*) grew 10 times it normal size devouring matter in a 75 meter radius, this time a small piece of his clothes were caught on the attack.

The firefighters, police, the press and heroes were at the place "DON'T MOVE!" they yelled at me, I kicked Jogo far away and yelled back "DON'T COME CLOSE! HE'S TOO DANGEROUS! TAKE CARE OF THE FIRE FIR-" A wave of fire engulfed my body making them gasp, I waved my hand making everything disperse "Can't you see I am talking? Respect please" I said annoyed "Do you want to fight more, or I can end this right now?" after my comment I think he snapped, he raised his hand "Maximum: Meteor" a kilometer big fire ball was created in the sky, hundreds of meters up on, the fire still burned the trees down

"Shit! If I don't do anything they will all die!" I pointed my hands up and snapped my fingers "Ultimate Technique: Hollow Purple" a purple beam of light of the size of the meteor wildly came out of my fingers.

Everyone present stared at me in awe, the second my attack hit the fire it got completely disintegrated, leaving not a single trace left. "I wanted to enjoy this more but it's time to end this" I crossed my fingers "Domain Expansion: Infinity Void" a black curtain involved both of us, Jogo gaze into infinite information caused him to have a sensory overload, I place my hand on the top of his head "We destroyed a whole forest but it was fun, bye Jogo" I pulled off his head cancelling my domain expansion.

The heroes seeing me with Jogo's head in my hands ran towards me with their guards raised, wanting to spare them the job I floated till them, I saw a big man "flying" more like jumping very high, coming towards here, he was obviously All Might, he was standing right in front of me again, before he could say anything I told him "It's not my fault, he attacked me first so I fought back"

"Young Gojo, you know that you killed a known villain right?" he pointed at Jogo's head in my hand

"I know he's dead but he left me no other choice, someone this dangerous can't be free, you saw what he did right?" I replied nonchalantly

"I took too long to arrive here so I didn't watched the entire incident" I then pointed at the journalists filming us

"They recorded almost everything. So I have one question, what will happen to me? I killed a villain in self-defense so nothing bad will happen to me right? RIGHT?"

"Well... technically this fight destroyed dozens if not hundreds of kilometers of forest, but you didn't had any fault in these, he attacked you and you just defended yourself. I am not a law expert but I think that the most serious thing that can happen is you getting a big lecture from heroes or being hated by forest defenders, there's also being interviewed by these reporters" We looked at them recording our entire conversation

"Is this being recorded or being filmed live?"

"We are live"

"I'm so dead... I need to go home" I dashed away at full speed escaping from everyone, I looked back and saw All Might following me "Why are you following me? I'm already going to get lectured by my mom I don't need to get it from you too!"

"I am not here to lecture you! I want to help you escape punishment" What?


"This villain you're holding is very dangerous and you took care of him, even if it was in the wrong way" I realized I was still holding Jogo's head "Let's talked it to the mourne so they can take care of it, then I will help you"

"*Sigh* Fine let's go" We went to the mourne and delivery his head "Now you need to help me"

"It's okay, I still have 2 hours left"

Minutes later we arrived at my house, when I opened the door the whole family was sitting in the sofa 'fuck'

"Sit here young lady, we need to have a talk..." mom told me. All Might entered the house too and made everyone gasp in surprise "What's All doing here!?" they all said in unison

"He's here to help me justify my actions." We both sat on the other side of the sofa and explained them everything, Mom and Momo were mostly concerned and angry, Dad on the other hand was: Concerned, Angry, Proud, Confused, happy (That she didn't died).

Now came the big question "Where were you with this clothes?" I had no idea what do say, should I come out to them? I can't do this in front of someone who isn't family

"I can only tell this when it's only the four of us in here"