Phoenix Jones

(Ezra POV)

All Might was gone, and now there was only us in the living room, we were staring at each other in silence until I decided to speak "I have something to tell you guys... I know that you guys will love me no matter what I am but this is still very hard to say" I paused creating tension in the room "I... I'm gay" I said and closed my eyes nervously, they didn't say anything, I feel they getting close to me and giving me a warm hug "It's okay sweetie... we know it was hard for you too say this, did you really think that we would stop loving you if you came out for us? We are your family, we love and support you no matter what you are or do, that's what family is for right" I feel a tear falling from the corner of my eye, I really love them "How did you found out?"

"Since always, I just never knew how to tell you guys"

"Do you have someone? Dating or in love?" I blush a bit


"Really!?" Momo asked

"I asked her out today... when we went on a date" they gasped

"Who is she???" Momo asked again

"It's Katsuki..." my answer made them gasp even louder "I don't want to talk about it."

(In a far away mourne)

A woman was examining a head with volcanoes on its sides "Why is his skin so hard?" she continuously tried to open his head but it simply won't cut. She hears a big boom coming from the entrance, she hides in a corner filled with objects. A tall humanoid with two wood horns instead of eyes and a bag covering his left arm (it's left right?), he grabbed the head and said some random words, the woman stays in the corner trembling by the monster's presence. He quietly leaves the place and she stops hiding, calling the police...

(Ezra POV)

After coming out to my parents I feel like a great burden was taken out of my shoulders. I am so happy, I never had a girlfriend to bring into my house, to meet my parents and do R-18 things (They will take a while to do it, I will wait until they are at least sixteen, from my made up calendar they are now in end o January and in two months it will be march that the entrance exam will happen, and in one month they will be 16), go on lots of dates and after years get married, aaaa I love love.

I turn on my TV and it was like in those shows that you turn on the TV and it's passing something about you "Great fight between a woman we can't reveal name and wanted villain Jogo, ends up in his death by decapitation" They played the entire fight again but censoring all the blood. "You can't show my name but you don't censor my face" thankfully we were far away so you could barely recognize me. I change channels but they were all talking about today's incident "Was it that much of a big deal?" giving up on the TV I open AniFlix and watch some random anime until late night. I'm about to sleep when I see that Kat send me a lot of text

"What the fuck? Are you okay?

Why aren't you answering?

How did you end up fighting one of the most powerful villains and coming out alive?

Answer me God damn it!" after this she stopped sending texts, I was too sleepy so I slept without answering.

(Next day)

I was peacefully sleeping when someone laid on my back 'From these titties size this is Kat'

"I was so worried..." she said in a low tone "Why didn't you answered my texts?" I turn around quickly and hug her "What!"

"Good morning for you too" I smirked and gave her a quick kiss making her blush

"G-good morning" she tried to leave but I embraced her not only with my arms but with my legs, creating a very awkward scene.

I put my hand on her head and pulled her closer, she closed her eyes expecting a kiss but contrary to her expectations I only placed her face on my shoulder and cuddled her head "Sorry for not answering you yesterday"

"I shouldn't ha-" I interrupted her

"Sh sh sh... You are my girlfriend, I should have answered you the moment I saw it." she lifted her head and stared at me in the eyes

"You are so sweet~" we begun to kiss slowly, kissing her felt so good, all her mouth is so smooth and soft that it makes me never stop to kiss it.

We kept doing that for more than 10 minutes until someone knocked on the door, I got up and opened it "Morning Momo"

"Morning sis, where you two? You know" she imitates a making out

"N-no we weren't!"

"If you look at the mirror you will see why I think it" she leaves and goes downstairs

"Kat, are you wearing lipstick?"

"Yeah why? Did I taste good?" she asked trying to make a seducing face

"Pft, Momo asked if we were kissing and said that if I looked at the mirror I would know why she thought that. For you second question, yes, can I get some more?" I said in a dirty way closing the door and heading to the bed "By the way, don't get your expectations too high, what you're thinking comes only after 16" she sticks her head under the pillow embarrassed

"I wasn't thinking about that!" I chuckle and throw myself on top of her

"I know you were thinking about it, the highest level we can get for now is boob touching" I poked her breasts

"Only that!?" she whined "What about when you touched close to there?"

"But I didn't touch it. I can give you another session right now" she nods intensely signaling for me to start.

I move her hair exposing her ear, I get my mouth close to eat and lick it "Ugh" slowly going down to her neck and giving it kisses and bit her the area close to her collar bone leaving a red mark "Ouch! That hurt!"

"But you liked it right? Want me to go on?" she turned her head away and one hand close to her mouth

"I loved it." 'So cuuuuuute' I went down kissing and biting every where making her let out small sounds. I lifted her T-shirt exposing her beautiful abdomen. When I was about to do my job when my mom suddenly bursted in the room "Where just waiting for you to have breakfast" she looked at us and slowly went away and closed the door

"THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" I jumped out of bed and ran after her.

After clearing up the misunderstanding we had a delicious breakfast.

(1 month later)

I've been dating Kat for one month now, tomorrow is our one month anniversary, I'm thinking about taking her to have dinner in a famous sushi restaurant (The anniversary is day 19th). In one month we also have the entrance exam and I don't plan on holding back I am going to grind every point in that place.

In this month one vigilante called Phoenix Jones, in just one month he caught 7 dangerous villains.

I went to a isolated place/my room and called her

"Su'p pretty girl" she shamelessly said on the phone

"Hey babe, I made a reservation for us tomorrow at xxx restaurant, that sushi one that you told me you wanted to go. You're free tomorrow night right?"

"Thank God you reserved it for the night, I bought tickets to a amusement park for the afternoon"

"Then it's settled!" We begun to talk until late "I am going to sleep, we need energy for tomorrow. Love you"

"Love you too, bye" we hung up and went to sleep excited for the next day