Fuck being 16!

Before the chapter starts I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for all your support and also apologize for any plot holes that the story might have.

(Ezra POV)

I rise up like a phoenix and rush downstairs to eat. Sitting in the table with a sleepy face was Momo, she looks at me confused by my excitement this early in the morning "How can you be so happy? It's 6am"

"I told you like 100000000 times already, today is my 1 month anniversary with Kat" I said excitedly while stuffing my mouth with any edible thing I could find

"Oh yeah, anyways I am going to my morning jog, it's all for the sake of the bet" her body limped in a funny way towards the door. I put on my airpods and play some music "Don't leave alooooooone IIIIII'm falling in the black, slipping through the cracks, fall into depths" can I ever come back?" (It's what I'm actually listening to) I sang while preparing something to eat.

(5 hours later)

"I am ready!" I put my hands in my waist and stare at the mirror proudly (Picture in the paragraph comments, if I forget pls tell me) "This is perfect for an amusement park, this ragged jeans, slightly oversized shirt with some cool drawings, black bra that you can see on my shoulder and belt (The belt is black too) this hair accessory and this shoe." I get my phone and click on the "Kat *3 heart emojis*" contact and call her, she picks up in less than on second

"Hey! You ready?" I asked her

"Yup! Totally ready and just for you information I am not wearing lipstick today so you won't get painted"

(Well, aperently when you search for "Anime girl clothes" you can find some pretty weird shit, some half naked girls and stuff like that so I will use my mind don't blame me for bad style, I am TERRIBLE with fashion)

"Can I pick you up right now?"

"The more time together the better *chuckles*"

"Be there in 30 seconds" Driver my ass, that was for first date now I just go flying to her house. I open the window and fly to her home, she was already out when I arrived "I am here!" I mimicked All Might, making her laugh. She's wearing a white sweater and black tight moleton pants with a black and white Adidas snicker

"You took less than 30 seconds to arrive" she gets close and kisses me "I don't think the park is open yet so whatcha wanna do?"

"You don't use "Watcha wanna" normally, what happened?" I might have been dense as fuck in the past but now I am as perceptive as a hawk. She looks at me with a guilty face

"*sigh* I guess I have no choice... I didn't slept last night doing things thinking about us" I understood what she meant and blushed

"W-well it's not like I never did that so you don't need to stay like this" I told her making both of us very embarrassed "In one month you don't have to worry about that... cuz you know we will be 16 and... according to my conditions we can, c-can have... gaaaah I can't say it." I cover my face in shame of myself

"I want to be sixteen!" she grunted making us even more red "We really can't even go down on each other? I don't think it is considered as sex"

"I-I think that doing that will be good to our relationship." I uncovered my face and it was so red and hot that I think fever has got me. She gets my hand and drags me into her room, after she locks the door she throws me into the bed.

(Sometime later)

We are both drenched in body fluids and sweat "Let's go take a shower, do you still want to go to the amusement park? You must be very tired" I ask as we go into the bathroom to take a shower together

"Of course I do! Do you think just because of this wild sex we head I would cancel all our plans? Hell no, and I have the feeling that something good will happen today, expect our first time obviously"