White Haired Waitress

(Ezra POV)

"Let me wash your hair!" Kat said cheerfully behind me

"*Chuckle* Please. You can wash everything too" she begins to wash my entire body and my insides until I was almost shining "My turn" I washed her but when I was down there I put my fingers inside both places "Just to make sure they are all clean. Wha- you came from just this?" she gets embarrassed at my comment

"H-hey you know that we just had sex so I am very sensitive after coming that much"

"I know that you're that's why I did that" I winked at her "Now let's get ready, today we complete one month dating, we need to celebrate!" I stand up and wash out the soap of our bodies and but on the same clothes as before.

(5 minutes later)

We are out of the house and walking to the park, we are holding hands as always and receiving prejudiced looks, just the usual "Hey Kat, what do you think about my nails?" I showed her my hand with pink nails "Pretty, right?"

"It looks amazing on you"

"Thanks" We continue to walk talking about random things until we crossed paths with a mother with her child, my mind begins to scream "Karen alert, Karen alert. Leave this place immediately!"

"Are you two lesbians!?" She asks us with filth and disgust in in her voice '*sighs internally* Fuck...'

"Yes we are, got a problem with that? Not that I care about the opinion of a random homophobic woman, wait why am I even answering you?" I pull Kat closer to me and I walk away quickly, the Karen tries to catch us for some reason but Infinity stops her from touching me. I turn around and glare at her with rage releasing a microscopic amount of pressure (Does anyone know a method to stop the Karen Pandemic or Karenavirus-19)

I begin to float and hold Kat tightly by her waist "Walking is for fools, I will fly you to the park"

(15 seconds later)

"We are here!" I float down and get her hand again, we enter the park and give the receptionist our tickets.

Rollercoasters, cotton candy, shooting games, everything my child mentality needs. We rode all rollercoasters and played most of the games, I approach a girl that looks like our age "Excuse me? Can you take a few pictures of us please?" I politely ask her to take some pictures of Kat and I "Sure" we pose in very different and fun poses, the last one was the best wich was the kissing photo, the girl gives me my phone back and I look at the pictures she took "Thank you so much, they are all awesome" She walks away and I show the pictures to Kat "The kissing one is definitely going to be my profile picture in every single social media"

"Really? Are you not afraid of receiving hate for being gay?" she asks concerned, I look at her serious

"The moment I confessed to you I was completely ready to be hated if it meant staying with you" I kiss her not caring if anyone is seeing "I would have never do that if I didn't loved you to be ready for societies prejudice" she blushes and hugs me (Everytime they hug Katsuki has her hands on Ezra's waist, cuz you know, 1,82x1,93 it's tough to reach for the shoulders every hug, yes I changed both their heights, because tall lol), I embrace her strongly and pursue (What was the word?) my hands through her hair, I feel her chin moving and a muffled sound came

"I love you too much for my own good hehe" she chuckled happy and cutely. I hear voices and see people looking at us, but to my surprise they weren't talking shit about us at all, most words were "They're so cute together. Why can't you be like this with me? That white haired girl is so beautiful and tall" this comments made me very happy...

(2 hours later)

We are now leaving the amusement park after a joyfull and wonderful day "This was so nice"

"Right? But if you think this is the best I can do you need to prepare you heart for our birthdays next month or you heart might no be able to take it" I joke, I have a BIG plan to her birthday but it's a secret for now

"You are already planning something? You too prepare yourself, I also have some plans but they involve less clothes and more touching, prepare you body too it will be no ordinary sex" she teased me at the end "Now let's go eat sushi!"

(15 minutes later)

I opened the door for her like the gentlewoman I am, people look at me with curiosity as my clothes weren't exactly the most formal for a fancy restaurant like this. When we reach the table I pull the chair for her to sit on eat, making her smile at me "Aren't you being a gentlewoman today?"

"Of course I am, now order anything you want in ANY quantity you want" we order a lot of sushi, minutes later about half of the orders comes. What surprised me wasn't the quantity of sushi or anything, it was the waitress that brought it to us, I could see that her legs were getting weak after every step towards her "H-here's your order e-enjoy" I look at the face of the waitress and I almost gasped in surprise, a face that I couldn't remember until I saw if again, my biological mother. Trying to keep a poker face I thank her and we begin to eat "That waitress looks a lot like you"

"Kat, she looks like me because she is my biological mother" she gasps attracting a few looks "I have faint memories of her face but when I saw her now I am 100% sure that she is, I don't plan on doing anything though"

"Why not!?"

"I can come here again anytime I want and talk to her, but today is our day and I will spend every single second with you. You're going to sleep with me too, don't get your hopes high we dried each other today but we can still make out" she sighs a little disappointed

"Topless make out" she asks in a very convincing way

"Definitely!" I reply instantly

After we ate she ordered even more food and I went to the bathroom real quick. When I enter the bathroom I hear the sounds of a woman crying inside one of the, the... the little room that we have on bathrooms whatever that name is, I knock on the door "Is everything okay in there? Are you feeling ill?"

"*Sobs* N-no" 'It won't hurt talk to a stranger' The woman in the thingy thought "15 years ago I had a baby daughter but I didn't have conditions to give her a decent life, so I gave her to adoption, and now I saw her here. I know it's her"

"Shit... Uh... So you are that white haired waitress that went with her legs shaking to my table *nervous chuckle* if that comforts you a bit this girl is living life to it's fullest, I hope one day you can talk to her face to face and not through a bathroom door" I hear the sound of the door unlocking fastly and she leaves with her eyes watery

"Is that really you? My... my daughter" she begins to cry even more and hugs me tighter than anything I ever experienced, I slowly put my hands on her back

"Can you give me your contact info? So I can talk to you later, I am in the middle of something extremely important, I am so sorry"

"Y-yes. Sorry for interrupting your date" she apologizes and gives me her info. I leave the bathroom and seat back in the table with Kat

"What took you so long?"

"My biological mother was in the bathroom and we ended up taking, I got her contact info so we can talk later" her eyes widen in surprise

"Are you sure it was her?"

"Yes, I can feel it and she told me her life story in her small crises"

(1 hour later)

We ate and went to my home. The moment we open the door I throw her into my bed, I take of all my clothes except my panties and begin to strip off her clothes too, I touch her smooth skin and kiss her intensely, I pinch her breasts and lick them, we continue like that for long time until falling asleep spooning...