Villains hate my afternoons

(Ezra POV)

My mother and I talked for a long time, I felt that somehow we are very connected, it was so easy to let go with her. When we were done I walked her home because it was late, but something was off, a small presence lurking in the dark following us.

"Good night mother"

"Good night Ezra" I walked away and stoped in a vending machine to buy a caned juice (I would get a soda but I don't like soda so juice it is) "You can come out now" I felt the presence getting bigger and I looked at the direction, a very disgusting meaty thing was morphing into a person "Ew that's so gross" I open my soda and took a sip

"How did you notice me?"

"Fufufu... Before I say anything thanks for letting me drop that woman home. If you interrupted us I would've killed you without enjoying a fight. Damn this juice is good. Any way" I clap my hands for some reason "I can feel a tiny bit of Jogo's energy in you." My face morphs into a creepy smile "Are you here to kill me?" My battle spirit grew stronger at every second and my excitement was absurd, I have so many new techniques to test.

The thing slowly stepped out of the shadows revealing a face with patchworks and a lake blue hair "You're just as Jogo said, I can feel that you're strong, very strong. But he never mentioned how beautiful you are" I frown at his last comment

"Bla bla bla... Let's skip formalities and begin the killing, not here obviously" In a single motion my hand was in his face and I hurled his body kilometers away landing in a place devoid of people "How long do you think you can keep up? I have a lot of new skills I want to try out... I hope you are better than Jogo... Cursed Technique: Yellow Burst" A small yellow star (This thingy here * but with one more line down) appeared on my hand and flew towards him breaking the sound barrier, when it touches nothing happens, 0,2 seconds later it violently explodes disintegrating half of his body and a dozen meters of forest "What a shame, I used one of the weaker versions and you died like this"

(Quick explanation about new skill. She creates a yellow star of inactive cursed energy that will ignite/activate in touch, the quick expansion of energy will create a gigantic explosion of heat, similar how a bomb works)

His body begins to regenerate almost instantly "I couldn't even introduced myself, I am Mahito. I already know who you are" Oh, he's the soul manipulation guy, if he touches me I'm fucked, but he won't so let's try some more powers.

He dashed towards me at a oddly slow speed, his arm turns into a blade and he swings it at me "Infinity expansion: Stop Motion" then everything around us stopped, dust, birds, leaves falling from trees, not a single thing moved except me, his body was frozen mid-air, I go to his side and crack my knuckles "Concentrate, feel the air around you" I feel everything around me, my hand rises up in the air "Black Flash" dark lightnings a come out from where my fist connected with his back, the Stop Motion ended in the exact second.

Mahito's body hits the ground creating a 15 meter wide crater. Before he could get up I spun and hit his head with a strong kick, my hand grabs his leg before he could fly away, I pull him to my front and place my palm in his stomach "Think better before you engage in a fight with someone you don't know." I throw him up and charge a powerful punch with my hand (Like when Gon kicked Pitou up and charged that big ass punch to throw her like 100000000000 meter away) "Crimson Meteorite" (Kinda cringe but again, I am terrible with names) Red and Black Flash combined into a single destructive technique, the strong repulsive force together with the power amplification together creating a impact so great that can be compared to a meteorite.

Every movement my fist did caused the air and space to distort, my hand connected creating a large boom that destroyed everything underneath us. Microseconds later his body disappeared, after seconds another Boom and smoke rose up from a far away hill. "Why do this guys love to fuck up my afternoons? If you want to fight come on a random day, I mean, come on you know? Where's the respect" I feel something closing in at absurd speeds, I get ready to fight again. With a loud crash the thing fell, and to my surprise guess who it was? the anus summoner "Oh it's you, that guy that summoned anuses from the ground that shot lava. Want to fight too? I just blew that little fly that was here, I think what I did was a liiiittle bit overkill, but who cares?" He smiled showing his black teeth, his eye distorted into anger and smoke rose from lil Mt.Fuji

"YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME AGAIN HUMAN!!!!! THIS TIME I AM GOING T-" My hand suddenly covered his mouth

"I would love to fight you but I don't want to destroy another forest so I will just end this quickly" I raise my finger very close to his head "Cursed Technique Reversal: Red" Poof! Completely gone, in a flash his head was gone and his body fell into the ground like poop "Time to go home!"

(1 minute later)

It took me longer than I expected, I wanted to arrive at 30 seconds but I didn't know the directions for here. Inside there was nobody so I immediately went to my room, took a shower and put on some pajamas and ice cream, a whole pot.

I watched movies and ate ice cream, what could I ask more?....

(One month later)

Oooooohh it's finally here, the entrance exam, I put on a simple white and blue sweat shirt and pants with a comfortable sports shoe "Good luck sis!"

""Good luck sweetie"" my parents and Momo all said

"Thanks, I will do my best" I walk out of home and flew to UA. I could see hundreds of kids standing there waiting for something, I float down and a blue haired boy stumbles on me, he immediately bows down "I am so sorry!!!"

"W-wait there's no need to be like this okay. You just stumbled on me, that's all" I turn around ignoring the boy looking for two certain people, the first one I find is Kat, I run towards her and hug her from behind "Hey there pretty girl" I kiss her on the cheek

"Morning Zi" she pulls my head down into a lip kiss "I feel refreshed!"

"Me too" I see Izuku in the middle of the crowd "IZUKU!! HERE!" I begin to wave until he sees us, when he finally noticed us he rushed to us

"H-hey guys... long time no see..."

"You have been so off this past ten months, do you not like us anymore" I joked with him "I'm just joking, want me to fill you up?"

"*chuckles nervously* Yeah..."

"Okay, so basically two months ago I begun to date Kat, then on the same day I fought with a very strong villain and we destroyed kilometers of forest, I met my biological mother... what about you?"

"You two are dating!??" he asked surprised

"Yup, we are a openly gay couple"

"That's nice... oh yeah in these 10 months I didn't do anything meaningful" Nothing meaningful my ass...

(20 minutes later)

A odd looking guy explained us the rules for the exam, he looks funny. Now we are all walking to a entrance, and what's inside almost made me gasp, I already knew that it would be s city replica but it's so perfect.

My wonders didn't last long, the bell tolls signalizing that the entrance exam has begun...