Entrance Exam

(Ezra POV)

After the bell rang all the kids rushed towards the robots, I was the fastest one. The robots all collapsed after one single punch, I never thought that metal was this soft.

Everywhere I passed I destroyed most of the robots leaving a few to Kat and random people. Some where yelling at me for destroying all the robots but I ignored them.

Time passed and then they appeared, the zero pointers are here, I locate 3 of the in the same place "Weird... Isn't that too much for a entrance exam?" on the pointers feet there are dozens of other smaller robots "How many can I take out with one hit?" many small purple orbs appeared around me "Hollow Purple First Variation: Hollow Gun" Beams struck all the robots puncturing them as if they were nothing.

(The watching room)

"Wha- What is this? Who is she? What's her quirk?" All cement guy asked

"Her name is Gojo Ezra, aperently she changed her quirk's name a few months ago, she said that the doctor stated that she had two quirks, but he lied for some reason. The new name she gave was "Cursed and Reverse Cursed Energy Manipulation : Infinity" the description she gave was this "I can control an harmful energy that can manipulate infinities, but I can reverse it to heal myself and create new attacks. Infinity control allows me to have nigh-omnipotent Spatial control" " A big breasted woman said

"Interesting..." A man with a fire beard said from the shadows

(Ezra POV)

I found it weird that in this exam we had hundreds of robots, but I think that in the anime there was less. The last time I watched was like 16 years ago so not my fault I don't remember everything. I think I destroyed like 150 robots (I greatly increased the number of robots because why not).

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HELP!!!!!!" I hear a girl's voice screaming, I immediately fly to where I heard and see a fat cheeky girl under some debris and another zero pointer close to her. I ignore the zero pointer and rescue the small girl "Are you hurt any where?"

"Thank you. I am fine now" I see the big robot trying to hit us with his big hand and I just dodged and flew away with the girl, but then I see a green boy flying towards the robot and with one big punch he wrecks it, the machine fell on the ground destroying other smaller robots.

Seeing Izuku falling to his death I jump and cath him mid-air "Are you dumb Izuku? That was a zero pointer why did you hit it?"

"I was trying to save her but you are too fast" he said with a pained expression, I look at his legs and arm and they are completely broken.

"The exam is over. The placements will be in announced now. First place is Gojo Ezra, with... WHAT!!!??? *cough* 387 villain points and 60 rescue points, the highest score in history of all hero schools!!! In second place is Katsuki Bakugo with 77 villain points" he continues to say all the other placements.

When he stopped speaking I saw Kat running towards me with a smile, he jumps in me making me hold her "Congratulations on getting first place!"

I hug her back and move around a bit "Thanks, I also have a surprise for you, not what you're thinking though. But you will like it even more" I kiss her and put her down so we can go home.

(One week later)

"EZRA, KATSUKI! THE LETTERS ARE HERE!!!" My mom yelled from downstairs and we rush to get them. We open them and a big All Might hologram appeared ""Congratulations Young Gojo/Young Bakugo, on getting into world's best hero school"" He made a whole speech about being a hero and stuff and I took her back to my room

"It's time for the surprise!" I say excited and take a small ring box out of my pocket "Couple rings!" her eyes shined after seeing it, I get her and put one in her finger "Your ring has my name and mine has yours. Do you like it?"

"I love it! It's so cute. Thanks Zi" she hugs me and lays on my lap, I being to comb her hair as she stares at the ring with a her hand up "This ring is so pretty. So, are you excited for school next week?"

"Yup, it's our first step to be pro heroes"

(Next week)

I was wandering in the hallway looking for class 1-A. "There it is" I open the class door "Here!" I see Kat waving at me, I take a seat by her side "Morning Kat" I lean over and give her a quick kiss

"Morning Zi" Moments later more and more students enter the classroom. When all of them were here they talked for minutes.

I notice a odd cocoon leaned on the wall 'Suspicious' I get up and poke the cocoon, a small zipper open and a groggy face came out, I go back to my chair by instinct "It took you 5 minutes to quiet down. I am your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota. Follow me to the P.E grounds" he opened the door and led us to the place "You are all going to do the Quirk Apprehension Test. 8 different tests, the first one is the ball throw. Last place will get expelled. Come forward Gojo Ezra" students muttered, I step forward "How long could you throw the ball in middle school?"

"80 meters"

"Now throw it with your quirk" he hands me the ball and I position myself "Whenever you want" I pull my arm back and hurl the ball with all my strength, gusts of wind came "An infinity score from a physical throw, impressive" Students where staring at me with awe. (I will just put her tests)

50-meter dash: Two seconds

Grip Strength: Broke the thing

Standing Long Jump: Cleared The Sandbox

Quick Sidesteps: First place

"Gojo Ezra is first, Momo Yaoyorozu 2nd" I walk to Momo ignoring Aizawa "Looks like I've won, mwahaha!" I laughed joking with her

"Hmph! It was just once! Not once but still, next time will be different"

"Do your best" we walk away from each other. I suddenly bump into something very short, I look down and see a small guy "My bad didn't see you there. I am Gojo Ezra, who are you" I lean down to shake hands with him

"I-I am Minoru Mineta" I get up and go away, I felt some weird vibes from that guy. Without much effort I found someone I met during the entrance exam "Fat Cheek Girl! Over here" I wave at her, she looked back with a red face

"H-hey, I have a name you know!" She said angrily

"Okay then, what's your name? Mine is Gojo Ezra, pleasure to meet you"

"I am Ochako Uraraka, also my pleasure to meet you" I shake her hand with both my hands, *Bam* something hit me in the head suddenly, I look back and see Kat behind me

"Hey Kat, why did you hit me?"

"Just saying hi to MY girlfriend" Yup, she's definitely jealous "Zi can we talk somewhere else?"

"Sure" we leave Ochako alone in there with a deadpan face. She drags me to the bathroom and enter in a seclusive room (That little places in the bathroom) "Are you jealous? I was just talking to her"

"You were holding her hand with BOTH your hands"

"I was just being friendly, it's normal to girl do that with another, you know that I only want you" I push her closer to me until our bodies touch completely, I walk to the wall and put my knee between her thighs "Never mistake me being nice with someone with flirting, the only one I would do things like this is you" I hold her chin up and kiss her deeply...

(One the bathroom cabin by their side)

'Why is it always me!!!!??? What should I do? Enter ninja mode and hear and entire make out again? It isn't a bad idea, guess I'll just stay here' A short girl with red marks under her eyes thought while sitting in a toilet

(Ezra POV)

"Oh God... It's over... *sobs* This movie was so sad" Kat and I are laying in the bed watching a anime movie about a boy and a girl that fall in love then the girl dies because of a disease.

She turns and clings to me with her face buried in the middle of my chest "I want to sleep now" I turn of the TV and lay down without taking her face out, I begin to comb her hair as usual until we both fall asleep...

Authors Note: I probably won't be able to write another chapter today. And I probably will take a break tomorrow and only write one at night or two at Thursday. Next chapter will happen the Battle Trials and since I will be a long time (One day) without writing I will be overflowing with POWEEEEEEEEEERRR. Jokes apart, if you have any ideas for the story please tell me. Have a good holiday (At least here it is, all praise Brazil)