Amid The Shadows

Wraith blinked as she saw a creature unlike any other walk out from the shadows. The darkness was perfectly glued to him and his figure as he looked down at her.

His structure was unlike most beasts that she had seen, and the fact that he was black in color like her made her eyes narrow.

Things were changing, and new creatures were emerging one after another.

Wraith was furious however, for Sawtooth was dead. "Did you kill him!?!"

The brute looked at her with a calm expression, though his lips curled into a smile.

"I did. I hope that wasn't a big deal?", his tone was rather nonchalant.

Wraith bared her fangs before she closed her eyes, she wanted nothing more than to kill this brute. He just killed Sawtooth. Someone who she was starting to open up too.

"It was a big deal.", she replied coldly. Her eyes showed all the torment and pain that life has done to her.

She was battered. Ugly. Different. The only one who she could stomach was dead, and this brute killed him. For once she found someone who she could relate to, and actually talk to.

And life just decided to spit on her face. Like it always does.

Her kind was not welcomed here in this world which was why she wanted to change it.

Become something that wasn't ugly or different.

The brute stared at her with sharp yet observing eyes, he stared at her silently before walking up close to her. "I can tell that life has been tough on you."

Wraith hissed loudly as she screeched, "Get the hell away from me! You don't know me!?!"

She watched as he stopped, large sickle claws were evident on each of his feet. There was even a distinct marking on both of his sides, that were almost gold in color.

His facial structure looked so slightly similar to Baldur, which further made her mad.

Baldur made her a promise, and he didn't deliver.

She should of known to not trust him, but of course she expected that.

"So much hostility and anger, it is no wonder that you can handle yourself.", he spoke up as he smiled. His smile gave him such a strange look, like he had done nothing completely wrong.

Wraith glared before hearing voices, the voices were from the others. She looked over angrily, for obvious reasons.

Where did they go!?!

Juggernaut looked at her before catching sight of the brute, his nostrils flared up as he smelled the scent of blood.

Wraith looked at Juggernaut quite upset, "Where were you guys!?!"

Juggernaut looked at the lifeless body of Sawtooth before replying. "We went out, and figured that you didn't want to come."

Wraith showed a enraged expression, she turned away. "I don't believe this!"

Juggernaut looked at the brute as he spoke in a serious tone, "Who are you?"

The brute looked at him as he smirked, "Ripper."

Wraith scoffed loudly as she walked away, she didn't feel like sticking around the male who killed Sawtooth.

Fiend blinked watching her leave, much like Thrash who loudly scoffed after seeing Wraith walk off. Razer and Scarecrow both stood beside each other as they looked at Sawtooth's dead body.

Life was unfair. It was such a horrid thing.

The night was approaching quickly, not that she minded the darkness. Wraith felt completely safe in the darkness, only cause that was the only place she could feel comfortable and like herself.

The sounds of so many blind beasts filled the sky with their calls, as Wraith made her way up a tall tree. She had the perfect view of the sky, when she sat in trees.

That was her favorite thing, to sit away from everyone.

Wraith looked at the sky as its color began to darken, and faintly the stars were beginning to peak out. At night, there were so many stars. Stars that were different in size or color, yet they shared the same sky.

Why couldn't this world be like the sky. Where everyone else was not judged for how different they look.

Just once she wanted to be treated fairly.

Wraith scoffed at her silly thoughts, the world was going to change. But everyone would be the same as they always are. She must be stronger in order for her to live, and she couldn't rely on mere worthless wishes and prayers.

After all wishes and prayers never done anything for her.

Who knows everyone may die and she would be the only one alive. That would be a blessing more or less to her.

Wraith looked over her shoulders to where the typical gang was, with that mysterious brute. He would no doubt win those guys over, not that she would be surprised. After all, they all never done anything for her anyhow.

Besides she tolerates them, and even that was crossing the line for her.

Being alone had its benefits, you never had to worry about being slowed down. That as well as not becoming to close with anyone. Cause once she did get close to them, life takes them away.

All she could do was watch as they leave her.

Leave her to listen to the abuse and neglect alone.

"Why do I bother.", she scoffed.

Wraith more or less knew the answer, she was in it for the change. But would it even amount up to anything. Was she merely wasting her time with this?

Wraith laid back in the tree, with her right foot dangling off of the branch she was laying on. She closed her eyes as she tried to calm her thoughts.

"You're ugly."

"Why do you look like that?"

"Look at her, she is not at all like us."

Wraith slowly opened her eyes, as she thought about all the words of others. That they said, about her. Her thoughts were always like this, even when she tried to calm down. She could never be fully calm, because of such hateful words.

"Heh, I don't know I like how you look. I think you are unique, like a unearthed treasure."

Then there was that one nice quote, one from Sawtooth.

Believe it or not, she was stunned when he said it. Never had she heard such kind words, and actually come to know that he didn't say that to use her. He genuinely meant his words, why else would he smile at her.

"God...", groaned Wraith as she covered her face. She honestly looked like she didn't feel good, like she was realizing what she had fully lost.

How could she feel like this?

Why did she open up to him, knowing full well that he would leave her one day. Was she that lonely, or did she actually want to try to be nice to someone for a change?

So much good that did.

"Wraith?", spoke a familiar voice. It was Scarecrow.

Wraith didn't respond at first, but she heard him as he continued speaking.

"Just about everyone has agreed to accompany Ripper. I want to know if you were on board?"

Wraith glared at his words, she knew full well that they would listen to him. "Do I have a choice?", she spat.

Scarecrow was silent before saying, "Of course you do."

Wraith gave a pessimistic like smile, Scarecrow was another person who she felt okay with. Unlike Thrash or Juggernaut who she couldn't stand. Razer on the other hand, she would rather not talk about him. "Fine. But I want my space."

Scarecrow nodded, "Of course."

Wraith looked down at him from the tree she was in, her eyes were the only visible thing that can be seen in the tree. She merely watched as Scarecrow stalked off to return to the others.

This was going to be another pain in the rear, she knew it.

So many individuals who made this world their home, had to accept anything no matter how good or bad it was. New leaders, new beginnings, new rules, anything new they had to accept it.

After all if you couldn't accept anything new, then how could you accept change?

The vast land took on the white glow of the moon, the moment night fell. Large trees, beautiful streams, and eye catching sights of distant mountains made up the land that housed many.

Cripple was some what bigger than she was, though she was still a good bit shorter than her father. For so long, she learned from her father. Listened to his words and knowledge of how to survive.

Gullet the little rex was now bigger, about a teen who more or less listens to Cripple's words. The teenager views Cripple as his mother, and showed respect to her.

Cripple's father still disapproves of Gullet.

Ahnyx was very helpful, especially during times when they need healing. Cripple looked at Ahnyx curiously, as they walked toward a new destination.

Cripple frowned seeing the nasty looking bite scar that was on the left side of Ahnyx's neck. She recalled what happened of course.

Gullet was attacked by a blind rex a good while ago, and the herbivore protected him. Ahnyx put his life on the line for Gullet and well she asked him why.

Ahnyx's response, "Well I know how much you care for him. So, like a proper gentleman I wanted to protect him. After all, if he was hurt it would hurt you wouldn't it?"

Cripple looked away fast once Ahnyx looked at her, it was so confusing. She was a carnivore and he was a herbivore, so how could she have feelings for him.

Cripple glanced back at Ahnyx who was walking along in a calm stride. He even had woven a odd little satchel out of leaves, which he held herbs in.

Herbivores were so different yet they were so handy.

Cripple blinked as her father stopped, "What is it?"

Her father, 'The Notorious Evil One' was looking at something with a emotionless expression. His voice became eerie as he said while walking. "We are close."

Cripple followed him while Gullet followed behind her, she honestly couldn't wait to get where they were going. Apparently, there was a large land that actually held as a large gathering space where many individuals have spoken about making a large community.

She was sick and tired of being on the move, and well she wanted to find a place to relax and actually try making friends again. It was rather difficult, to make her father agree with her.

But in the end he did.

This gathering space was going to be one of the first community's where different species come together. They actually were going to try and make that big step, that vital step in a new direction.

There were clans which was common, but this was one of the biggest things to ever have happen. Different species, large or small, herbivores and carnivores actually trying to put in the effort to get along.

It wouldn't be easy, but hey survival was never easy either. As they continued forward, Ahnyx stopped which caught Gullet's attention. Cripple blinked as she looked at Gullet then at Ahnyx. "Ahnyx?", she asked.

There was a pained sound, along with the muffled sound of someone crying. Cripple blinked confused while her father stopped and said, "We need to keep moving, don't get involved."

Involved, in what?

Ahnyx walked toward the noise which made Cripple curious as she followed. No doubt her father would be against this.

Ahnyx blinked as he walked through the bushes, he stopped however and bended down to pick something up. Cripple tilted her head, while Gullet stopped at her side sniffing.

Ahnyx slowly stood back up while carefully helping up a dark blue cryolophosaurus with yellow coloration on the back of their neck down to their back. Cripple looked at him, and noticed that their crest was no where to be seen on the top of their head.

Not only that the top of their head was bleeding, much like their muzzle who had deep bite wounds.

"What happened?", asked Ahnyx being very compassionate to the stranger.

"I lost a fight, and my wife left me after I lost.", spoke the cryolophosaurus who looked down with a withdrawn look upon his face.

Ahnyx frowned as he reached in his bag woven of leaves. "I'm so sorry, here let me help you."

Cripple frowned looking down, she looked at Gullet who was sniffing at the ground at something. She looked over curiously and saw what looked like a crest that was in a puddle of blood.

Sometimes the world had a way of surrounding everyone in darkness and pain, no matter how good they were.