
Everyone was doing everything in their power to survive, and they all had their own obstacles. Pain was a common thing, just like the constant fear of being killed.

Ahnyx was very compassionate, and Cripple wondered if all herbivores were like that. Clearly they did things differently, and they believed in doing things that would benefit them as well as others.

They were also selfless, that much was a given.

Cripple couldn't help but feel bad for them, and she was seeing them completely different than how she use to see them. They were killed oftenly for food for so many years, but now she could never bring herself to attack any conscious herbivore for food.

That was all because of Ahnyx. He made her see them in a different way.

"Why are you helping me?", asked the cryolophosaurus who looked at Ahnyx.

Even the cryolophosaurus was confused as to why Ahnyx, a therizinosaurus was helping him.

"Hm, oh I don't like seeing someone hurt. Besides, I feel like you are not a bad individual.", replied Ahnyx with a cool smile.

The cryolophosaurus looked at him a little puzzled before smiling, he closed his eyes as he said. "Thank you."

Cripple smiled a bit, "You are more than welcome to join us."

The cryolophosaurus looked at her and said, "Are you sure?"

Cripple nodded as she softly smiled, Gullet let out a loud gurgling like purr apparently agreeing with Cripple.

"Is that a blind rex..?", asked the cryolophosaurus who looked very stunned.

Cripple nodded, "Yep, he uh sees me as a mother."

Ahnyx chuckled as he put herbs on the muzzle of the cryolophosaurus which held wounds. "The madam loves the boy, I will admit he has grown on me too."

Cripple did a double take at Ahnyx calling her 'madam' again. He always called her this, even when she tried to correct him. "You don't have to call me that, Ahnyx. Just Cripple is fine."

Ahnyx flinched a bit before going silent, "..."

He did it again. Every time she would correct him, he would flinch.

Why did he like calling her that, especially after all this time?

Ahnyx looked at the cryolophosaurus silently before asking. "By the way if you don't mind me asking? Tell us your name."

The cryolophosaurus was about to say something before looking down. He had a name obviously but after losing a fight he didn't feel comfortable to say it. Not only that but there was a guarantee that his name was to painful to say.

Cripple felt bad for him, just by looking at him she could tell that he went through a hard time.

From what he said, he lost a fight probably against another male. Cripple had a guess as to what had happened.

When that rival male defeated him in battle, he clearly didn't want the loser to find love again. So, he ripped off his crest to show that he was weak and not worthy of fathering any more offspring.

Ahnyx looked at him as if sensing his feelings, so he calmly said. "This is a new start for you, with a new start means a new life. New experiences as well as friends. Don't let the past slow you down, learn from it and make yourself stronger for the future."

The cryolophosaurus blinked his eyes which were a lush forest color. He looked at Ahnyx as he said, "A new start means a new name."

Ahnyx smiled as he nodded fully agreeing with him. "That's the spirit."

Cripple looked at Ahnyx with a smile, though her eyes would always land on that horrible scar. She looked at Gullet who looked at her curiously with his head tilted.

Gullet was stronger than he once was, but he was still a target much like all of them. Her father still disapproves of Gullet, only cause he was blind. His worry is that he would attack all of them and kill them when he gets bigger.

That was upsetting, only cause Gullet was like her son. The teen adored her, most days he would bring back dead blind herbivores for her to eat.

How could her father not see that he is kind?

Of course he had a good reason to feel the way that he does. He had seen things, experienced hardships that she could never imagine him or herself ever going through.

"I guess call me, Scalpmuzzle.", replied the cryolophosaurus who had found a fitting name. Only cause he was scalped with no crest, with a large bite wound upon his muzzle.

He clearly would have scars from this fight, but scars told a lot about a person and what they went through. Scalpmuzzle wanted to find a good place for a new home, and he may of found it if he were to follow them.

This community would be a good place to live, actually making life easier by helping each other. No matter how difficult it would be to accomplish, everyone was going to try.

Ahnyx led Scalpmuzzle back to Cripples father, who was waiting for their return. Cripple smiled lightly at her father, and his response was but a brief nod before he looked away from her.

Gullet stood behind Cripple, he could easily sense that Cripples father didn't like him. Blind beasts were sharp like that.

Cripple watched her father walk onward, he said no word to Scalpmuzzle or to Ahnyx.

As she watched him go did Ahnyx say, "Be mindful of that gentleman. He has been through a lot, but he isn't entirely bad. He loves his daughter clearly, though he doesn't say it."

Cripple looked at Ahnyx who was sparking up some conversations with Scalpmuzzle. Ahnyx was trying his hardest to make their new friend happy, and enjoy the journey to the gathering space.

Ahnyx was a good guy, he truly was. Though, he was still mysterious.

Cripple followed her father with Gullet right by her side, Ahnyx and Scalpmuzzle were talking as they walked to their destination.

The crickets were very loud during the night, they were always very active as the night hours came along. No matter how loud, or how long their music was. Their song was completely drowned out by the loud cries of the blind beasts who stalk the night in search of a meal.

Most nights were just so dreary all because of loud cries and roaring from those who have not yet awakened.

It had been shy of two hours of walking now.

Cripple looked up at the moon that appeared so much larger at night, the sky was so vast and open with the stars gleaming within it. It was truly a sight to behold, the moons presence was just so pure in its light.

Cripple blinked as her father stopped, he was a good ways ahead of her and everyone else. Curiously, she ran over and gasped seeing a vast yet beautiful sight. A large open space with forests all around a large body of water, and add in the moonlight enveloping it with its pure light made it look like a dream.

Cripple took a moment to stare at it before she heard her father speak. "I'm not going to go with you."

This comment made her look at him in shock, she looked at him in disbelief. Her father was looking at the same beautiful sight that she was, yet he saw something completely different from her. "What...?", she asked this slowly. It was taking her mind a long time to fully understand what was happening.

Ahnyx and Scalpmuzzle soon caught up with them as they both stood behind them in silence, as they listened.

Gullet made a noise similar to a groan as he looked at Cripple.

Cripple shook her head fast, "N-No! You have to come! You are my dad! We're a family!"

"...", her father didn't say anything.

Cripple looked at him with a emotional expression, "You have too! We've come this far!"

"Yes, but you and I come from two different worlds. You are use to having others with you, while I have been alone for quite a number of years.", replied her father who was now catching sight of movement. This place that they were standing before was the gathering space, where the first real community would be made.

"But you have been with me and Ahnyx for quite sometime! You are doing fine with others, you can do well in the community too!", exclaimed Cripple in a heartbroken tone.

Ahnyx really wanted to say something, just seeing Cripple looking so devastated broke his heart. "May I say something?"

Cripple looked at Ahnyx in surprise, while her father stopped him by saying. "No. It doesn't matter if I do well with others or not. I will not allow myself to get involved with others. I have my reasons."

Ahnyx frowned upon his response, though he still said. "I understand that you have your reasons, but she is your daughter. She clearly cares for you."

Cripple fought back the urge to cry over the words that Ahnyx said.

"Feelings don't keep you alive, what keeps you alive is how smart you are. I am aware that I am her father but she is more than capable of taking care of herself. I taught her everything that she needs to know. Like any proper parent should do.", her father said as he turned away. His massive body walked in the other direction, away from the gathering space.

Ahnyx watched as he walked away, he looked at Cripple who quickly ran after him.

"Father wait a second!?!", spoke Cripple with tears falling from her eyes. Her tears gleamed under the moonlit night.

Scalpmuzzle looked down, he slowly looked up at Cripple and her father with a pained expression. Gullet approached Ahnyx groaning sadly, and was carefully petted on the head once he was beside the herbivore.

Cripple watched her father stop and he looked back at her lightly. This was not the last time that she would see her father, she believed that he would come back. She prayed that he would.

Once she was fully close to him did she softly nuzzle under his chin, as the tears fell from her eyes. "Thank you for everything! Please be safe and promise me that you will come by and visit!"

This action took her father by surprise, his evil looking appearance seemed to soften lightly. "Promise."

His words made her cry a bit more, it was a mix of happiness as well as sadness. She sobbed out, "Goodbye..."

Ahnyx watched as the massive brute stalked away from Cripple slowly. He looked at Gullet who left from his side as he ran over to Cripple and to nuzzle up against her softly once he was beside her.

Gullet was trying to cheer her up as best as he could, and Cripple knew that.

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ahnyx, "He was a good guy."

Ahnyx looked at him as he chuckled lightly, "But of course."

Cripple slowly turned away as she slowly walked back to Ahnyx and Scalpmuzzle. Her eyes were still wet with tears but she smiled, "Let's go."

Cripple walked toward the gathering space, with a smile on her face. Of course she was sad, but she got to spend time with her father and learn from him on how to survive. She was completely confident that her father would keep her word.

He would visit her again someday, and that was enough for her to continue on with a smile on her face. She looked at Gullet who was happily walking beside her, and purring.

Ahnyx followed close behind her and he noticed her smiling, he smiled at her. She was a tough yet gentle, and without a doubt special. He was glad to be with her and experience new things with her.

Scalpmuzzle looked at the gathering space as he followed after his new friends. He looked around with a happy smile. This would be the place for his new start, and truth be told he was looking forward to it.

As they walked to the gathering space, they were unaware that they were being watched from a far. The Evil One, Cripples father was watching from the distance to make sure that they made it there in one piece.

The night continued, the war that Dreadtooth started was finally put to a end. Sharpclaw and his clan were now enjoying a well deserved rest. Bloodmaw was invited over for a wedding, which he accepted. Though, Sharpclaw didn't really give him much of a choice.

Bloodmaw's entire clan was invited to the wedding, which was a honest treat. Weddings didn't happen much, since everyone was trying to survive.

But this was not only a wedding, it was also a new start in a brand new alliance.