Joy of Living

The sounds of laughter was a wonderful thing, after all it gave this world such a different vibe. The wedding for Smaug and Cobalt was without a doubt going to happen, but of course Smaug had to tell Cobalt about Flaay.

It wouldn't be easy, but she had to know.

Sharpclaw was happy to be back home much like the rest of his clan, Bloodmaw was looking around with interest for Sharpclaw had a good set up.

Devastate looked around with curious eyes, while Belle walked along side him. She smiled though when she heard the laughter and happy voices of some families being able to reunite once more.

Gambit blinked with his arms crossed over his head, he whistled as he followed after Belle.

Cobalt seeing that they returned walked over with a smile, she was so happy to see her father again. Smaug even looked okay, from what she could tell.

"You are alright!", exclaimed Cobalt with a happy smile.

Though, she quickly took notice of Smaug and his expression. He looked down about something. She looked at his pet, but took notice that he was missing one.

"What happened?", she asked this carefully as she looked up at him.

Smaug looked at her as he said, "We need to talk."

Cobalt frowned upon hearing his words, from the looks of his expression it was not good news.

Jr walked alongside Lesion with Fiala, the three of them looked to be getting along. Grim was behind the three of them, his eyes looked around the camp curiously.

Sharpclaw was giving out pieces of the armor to families, from those who had died due to Dreadtooth's recklessness. There was happiness and there was sadness.

Losing a loved one was never easy, and it probably won't ever get easy.

Helm and Dingo were looking around, though Dingo laughed which made many stare at him confused. Helm looked at Dingo curiously, he didn't know why he was laughing.

Dingo was a complete nut sometimes since he laughs at almost everything, but he was a good guy deep down.

Swiftscale smiled at Ebony, for the both of them have never seen a wedding before. Especially a wedding of this nature, though Ebony had a mate before they just didn't get a wedding to celebrate the union.

Scarface looked at Ruby who took notice of Cobalt who had flowers on her head as well as Fiala who was still dressed up, he looked away nervously as Ruby said. "I want to get married and dress up. Scarface, will you marry me?"

Scarface looked at her fast when he heard her say something about him marrying her, "Do what now!?!"

Ruby smiled sweetly as she said, "Will you?"

Scarface looked around with a flustered expression, "Uh, why this all of a sudden!?!"

While Ruby tries to talk Scarface into marrying her, the rest of the clan of Bloodmaw had fully arrived in Sharpclaw's camp.

Harmony smiled at her two daughters who were looking around excitedly, with Lockjaw right behind.

Adder and Nina smiled as they looked around, the atmosphere was pleasant and inviting which everybody could sense. It was not everyday that others got together and actually try to have a good time.

Vallun was beside Sharpclaw once everyone was settled in for the night. The war was over, and Sharpclaw let all the rexes who surrendered go only cause there was no point in killing them.

Besides, Vallun mentioned if he could return to the camp of Dreadtooth after the wedding. He mentioned that he wanted to go back and make the place better. Since Dreadtooth was gone, they would be needing a new leader.

Sharpclaw agreed to him being able to return, since he did help them with the war.

Cobalt was upset about the news that Smaug had told her, she didn't doubt that Flaay fought to the best of his abilities. She was sad but she knew that Smaug done everything he could.

Though his face showed a different tone.

"Smaug, it is okay.", spoke Cobalt softly as she looked at him. She had tears in her eyes without a doubt but she knew that Flaay wants her to be happy.

Smaug looked at her as he nodded lightly, he looked back down however. "I could of done more."

"Please don't say that.", replied Cobalt who looked up at him with a gentle smile. "He would of wanted us to be happy, wouldn't you agree?"

Smaug gave her a light smile, he nodded before looking at the entrance of the camp. Cobalt knew that he wasn't a bad creature, the fact that he feels guilty proves that he was not heartless or mean spirited. She also felt bad for Smaug, he lost one of his pets.

It would seem that the both of them lost something.

This just proves that war was horrible no matter what.

Smaug and herself was not the only ones to go through a loss, for there was some females who lost their mates to this senseless war. A war that could of been avoided, but it wasn't due to a deluded leader who was incredibly greedy and wanted more than he had.

Greed was something completely different, but it held the same outcome as war. Both of them were bad. In the end however you gain something and you lose something.

"Let's get this wedding underway!", loudly laughed Dingo.

Helm looked at him in great embarrassment, for all eyes were on him and Dingo.

Ebony laughed shaking her head, while Swiftscale looked at Dingo with a puzzled expression.

Dingo could get some serious volume that was for sure.

"Hey! That's my line!", yelled Sharpclaw.

Bloodmaw chuckled hearing Sharpclaw yell at Dingo. In that moment everyone was laughing, and it was a wonderful sound. If only all nights could be like this one.

"I guess you will need this then?", spoke Cobalt as she handed back the crown to Smaug, who looked at it with a frown. Seeing his reaction made Cobalt laugh softly, he really didn't want to wear that crown. Smaug took it from her, and held it in his clawed hands with a scowl.

It was so humorous to see him and her father having the same taste about things.

Sharpclaw looked at Smaug and Cobalt as he pointed, "Get in position! In front of the masses! Hurry!"

Cobalt looked at him with a annoyed face, "Fine!"

"Smaug my boy! Wear that crown!", laughed Sharpclaw.

Smaug grumbled loudly as he put the crown on his head, he looked at the side with a angry expression.

"Don't pout! Besides, it is only for one night!", laughed Sharpclaw as he walked up to Smaug and Cobalt.

Bloodmaw smirked as he heard Jr, "We really dodged a bullet huh?"

Fiala looked at Jr as she said, "I still want to get married."

Lesion laughed, "At least a trike crown is so much cooler than a tiara."

"I heard that!", yelled Smaug.

The whole camp went into a fit of laughter, the energy that was coming off of everyone was not something that many saw every single day. It was also surprising to see how fast a good event can turn sour at a mere mention of something negative.

But that wasn't the case tonight, everyone was genuinely happy despite all that has happened. After Smaug and Cobalt were to wed, Sharpclaw was going to hold a special moment for all those who had died.

After all those who had died deserve proper recognition and respect that they deserve for putting their lives on the line.

Sharpclaw firmly began working on getting Cobalt and Smaug to face each other. So many eyes were on them, that Cobalt was looking away extremely embarrassed. Smaug on the other hand really wanted to take the crown off seeing that his claws twitched really bad wanting to take the blasted thing and throw it away.

Dingo laughed loudly, which made Sharpclaw look at him confused. He then smirked knowing why he was laughing, Smaug was wearing a tiara.

He sure did look ridiculous.

Devastate looked at Belle curiously, she was smiling brightly fully moved by what she was seeing. The behemoth looked away shyly, leave it to Belle to be moved by a romantic event.

"We are gathered here to see the union of two lovesick individuals.", spoke Sharpclaw with a smile.

Cobalt looked at him flustered, "What!?! Dad, do it right!?"

Smaug narrowed his eyes at Sharpclaw and his choice of words. Sharpclaw was going to be that type of father in law, he was going to tease and torment them.

Bloodmaw chuckled, and not long after did Devastate let out a low laugh. Smaug glared at Devastate, he was going to remember that.

Sharpclaw laughed as he said, "I am sorry! Do you Smaug take her as your wife?"

Smaug looked at Cobalt, he watched as she looked at him shyly though her face was some what red. As he stares at her, Flaay came to his mind. He would take care of her, that was a promise. "I do."

Cobalt looked away again, she couldn't believe her ears. Smaug really wanted her, and just hearing that made her heart beat insanely fast.

"Do you Cobalt take him as your husband?", spoke Sharpclaw who looked at her with a coy grin.

"I-I do.", she finally said this as she looked at Smaug shyly.

Before Sharpclaw can say anything else did Dingo yell out, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss the sheila!"

Sharpclaw turned around to yell at him, "We are getting to that!?!"

By the time Sharpclaw turn around did he see Smaug lean over and gave Cobalt a kiss. This made him furious, "Not Now!?!"

Devastate laughed loudly and when he laughed did Bloodmaw join in. Smaug glared sharply at Devastate, "Hey! Stop laughing!"

It was not long before the camp was in another uproar of laughter. Sharpclaw sighed as he walked away, "Fine you guys are married!"

Gambit chuckled, as Sharpclaw walked away.

"Are weddings usually like this?", asked Fiala.

Jr laughed as he said, "I don't know?"

Lesion snickered only cause it was Dingo's fault, he was the impatient one who wanted to see them kiss. That or he wanted to piss Sharpclaw off. Either way it was hilarious to see everyone in good spirits, to someone degree.

Smaug took the crown off and he chucked it in a random direction which made Cobalt laugh.

Belle looked at Devastate confused, but more than anything else she smiled. She had never heard Devastate laugh before and that was what made her happy.

Scarface watched Ruby dart off after something, he blinked confused as to where she went. He blinked though when Ruby came back, and in her hands was the crown that Smaug threw away.

"What are you do-?", before he could finish did Ruby put the crown on his head. "Uh..?"

Ruby turned to Bloodmaw as she said, "Marry us!"

Scarface snorted loudly with wide eyes, "What!?! No!"

Bloodmaw chuckled as he walked over, "I suppose I could?"

Ruby smiled brightly while Scarface looked at him with a priceless expression. "..!"

Bloodmaw chuckled more at Scarface and his expression, he blinked though when Dingo began chiming. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss the sheila!"

Scarface looked at Dingo to say something before being grabbed and kissed by Ruby. "!?!"

Bloodmaw looked surprised before saying, with a smile. "I announce you as husband and wife."

Devastate chuckled but his laughter ceased when Belle went running to Bloodmaw. "Bloodmaw marry Devastate and me!"

The behemoth was for a loss for words as he followed her. "Belle! Wait a minute!"

Bloodmaw chuckled looking at Belle as he said, "I suppose I can marry all the couples of my clan?"

At these words did Devastate quickly move over there to stop Belle. A pure look of embarrassment on his face.

It was Smaug's turn to laugh at Devastate, much like Gambit who laughed at him as well.

Life was a hard thing to keep, especially by yourself.

However, when you are with others can you see that life wasn't all that difficult. It was even harder to enjoy what time you had with others, which is why it was crucial to make memories and have fun.

Soon Sharpclaw was walking around as he talked to everyone, it was the time to talk about those who had died. By talking about them, and remembering them they were not completely forgotten. This remembering event was not only about those who had recently died, but about others who had died a long time ago.

Everyone was taking part, and they were all smiling as they done so.

Sharpclaw looked at Bloodmaw with a smile as he walked up to him, "Your clan can stay here for the night, seeing we are comrades."

Bloodmaw respectfully lowered his massive cranium, "Thank you."

This was a rare sight indeed, a spinosaurus and rex actually coming together to form a great friendship and alliance.

This was truly a great time to be alive.

But with every positive thing, there was always something bad that could happen.