Separate Ways

The laughter was and will always be remembered for many moons to come.

As the night continued to surround the world with its white glow, and both clans enjoy the company that they had. It was not long before the sun graced itself, for it barely came out over the side of the large mountains in the distance.

The morning fog slowly rolled in, giving the early morning a rather chilly atmosphere. As the night slowly evaporated, it allowed the morning to take over.

"You lot be safe.", spoke Sharpclaw as he walked alongside Bloodmaw. He was leading them out of his camp, being very respectful.

Bloodmaw looked at him as he nodded, "Thank you. We may just come over from time to time. Last night was quite enjoyable."

Sharpclaw smiled boldly, "It was!"

Smaug left Cobalt for a moment as his massive frame moved toward a familiar behemoth. "Devastate."

Devastate looked at Smaug, Belle looked at Devastate with a concerned expression. The behemoth looked at her and he smiled some. "I will be okay, go meet up with Gambit."

Belle slowly walked away, though she kept her eyes on Devastate.

"I haven't forgotten about our fight.", Smaug said this with a smirk.

Devastate looked at him as he replied, "You haven't huh?"

Smaug nodded as he said, "I will definitely defeat you."

Devastate gave a smile, "We will see about that, I won't let you win that easily."

Smaug smiled back, "Likewise."

Devastate looked at his clan who were leaving, he soon walked after them. "See you later."

Smaug watched Devastate walk away, he still had a smile on his maw. "Yeah."

It was funny how things work out at times, for two rivals to come together and actually form some kind of friendship. But of course there could be no friendship, if there was no respect first.

"Where will you be leading everyone?", asked Sharpclaw who was curious.

Bloodmaw looked outward, toward the trees of the marsh. "I don't know. But we will think of something."

Sharpclaw nodded, "I have faith in you guys."

Bloodmaw looked at him with a small smile, "Yeah. I may just go back to where we were, that land Dreadtooth happened to give to us."

Sharpclaw smiled, "Whichever works! It ain't his anymore though! Why would a dead carcass need land?"

Bloodmaw gave a chuckle, "I suppose that is true."

Gambit was standing outside of the camp with Bloodmaw, his form was moving about as he stretched. The raptor did this about every morning, though he blinked catching sight of a white lily.

The flower looked very appealing.

Gambit walked over to pick up the lily, he lifted it up to get a better look of it before glancing over his shoulder. Nina was walking with Harmony, for the two of them were great friends.

It took quite a lot of time for Gambit to figure out that he had a crush on Nina. Though, he knew that she had a mate already.

He could very much give this flower to her, but would she except it.

Gambit jumped lightly as he felt a petite hand touch his shoulder. "Oh hey there!"

Belle tilted her head, she didn't know why he was all by himself. "What are you doing?"

The clan of Bloodmaw were making their way outside of Sharpclaw's camp, they were waiting for Bloodmaw to lead them back.

"Oh, just...", Gambit went quiet before turning around and showing her the flower he found. "Picking flowers."

Belle blinked as she looked at the flower, she smiled softly as she looked at the lily. "That's beautiful!" After a moment though she looked at him baffled, "Wait...? Since when do you like flowers?"

Gambit looked away, his expression was quite priceless. There was heavy embarrassment upon his features. "I don't..."

Belle blinked innocently, "Is there a girl you like?"

Gambit looked at the lily in his hand, "I don't know..."

Which was not entirely true, he did like a girl but she was already taken. The raptor looked at Nina curiously in a glance before looking down. He couldn't help it, just the mere thought of her made him feel funny.

Gambit was not familiar with love or anything of that nature. Back when he didn't care about anyone else but himself, it sort of handicapped him.

Belle looked at the lily in his hand, she looked at him before saying. "Well if there isn't can I have it?"

Gambit looked at her silently, his brows raised. "What?"

Belle smiled softly as she walked up to him, "I'll gladly take it from you, as a friend?"

Gambit looked at the lily before handing it to her, "Sure, whatever."

Belle smiled happily taking the flower, she held it softly in her petite hands. "I will take good care of it!"

Gambit watched as Belle seemed very happy about the flower, now that he thought about it. The lily was white in color just like Belle was, and well just by looking at her. He couldn't help but give her a smile. "It's just a flower?"

Belle looked at him as she softly smiled, "I know but it is something you gave me! I don't have many friends so I am happy to accept this from you."

Gambit scoffed with his eyes closed, though he smiled. "I expect you to work hard in exchange for it."

Belle nodded with a large grin on her face, "Yes sir!"

Bloodmaw nodded at Sharpclaw one last time before moving away, "Let's go everyone."

Devastate followed after him much like the rest of the clan.

Harmony looked at her two daughters with a smile, with Nina right beside her. "What are the names of your two daughters?"

Harmony looked at her with a motherly smile, she was beyond happy to be a mother again. "Their names are, Eden and Enyo"

Nina smiled looking at the two girls who were happily walking alongside their father. "Which is who?"

Harmony laughed, "Eden is going to be a charmer when she grows up, while Enyo is her fathers daughter."

Nina smiled having caught on to which daughter was which, Enyo looked exactly like her father color and all while Eden held onto her mothers colors. Just by looking at them, Eden was the sun while Enyo was the night.

When the both of them ran and played, it was apparent that Enyo was the hyper active one with a intimidating like aura about her. She was also a fan of rough housing, and didn't mind to get dirty.

Eden was always trying to keep up with Enyo, when they played. She was also a head shorter than Enyo was. When the both of them grow up, it was easy to tell what kind of adults they will grow up to be.

Bloodmaw looked at Jr as he walked up beside him, "Father?"

"Hm?", replied Bloodmaw with a smile.

"What is going to happen to Dreadtooth's clan?"

Jr's question made Bloodmaw look at him. "Why do you ask son?"

Jr looked over his shoulder as he said, "I think Fiala still has a thing for Lesion. Maybe this is his chance to prove to us that he can do it?"

Bloodmaw smirked at Jr, out of pride. Lesion wanted to prove himself when he was younger but couldn't. "What about you?"

Jr smiled, "I don't think she likes me as much? Besides, she needs someone taller than her."

Bloodmaw chuckled, "We will discuss it once we return."

Jr nodded as he looked over his shoulder with a smile. He had his eyes on Lesion as he walked with his father, just seeing Lesion looking extremely happy again was something that he missed dearly.

Lesion was walking with Fiala, her face showed a great deal of happiness. Though, there was a faint blush upon her cheeks as she talked with Lesion. Jr wasn't the only one who missed Lesion, that he could easily tell.

Ruby was walking along with a smile, Scarface was beside her with a surprised look upon his face.

"How does it feel to be married?", asked Swiftscale.

Scarface looked at him with a sharp look, "..."

Swiftscale looked away with a smile, Ebony was giggling loudly at the baryoynx as he teased Scarface.

"I feel complete!", hummed Ruby.

Scarface sighed, "I can't believe this happened to me."

Swiftscale laughed, "It is not all bad? Besides, I plan to ask Ebony if she will marry me soon."

Ebony gave a bright smile, "You know my answer, Romeo!"

Swiftscale smiled toward her.

Sensing so much love made Grim roll his eyes, he even made a disgusted sound. Swiftscale having heard Grim gave the brute a apologetic face. Swiftscale was very respectful of Grim, and well they got along fairly well. Though, Grim was still against the whole lovey dovey aura.

At the wedding Grim was the only one who didn't laugh, but he had to of had a good time right? If he didn't then well it was easy to say that Grim was incapable of expressing happiness.

But that wasn't possible was it, for someone to not be happy.

Scarface looked at Ruby as he sighed again, Swiftscale looked at him as he asked. "Do you like her?"

Scarface nodded, "I do but...!?!"

Swiftscale had a wide eyed expression as Ruby snatched Scarface up in her arms as she smiled brightly and affectionately. "Awe!?! I love you too!?!"

Scarface sighed before giving her a small yet gentle smile.

Swiftscale smiled happy for his friend, though he flinched hearing Grim snort out. "Get a bleeding nest. You lot are disgusting."

Ebony looked at Grim as she smiled, "Awe, don't be a sour trike!"

Grim snorted loudly as he looked away with his head up.

Helm laughed but twitched as Dingo's laughter completely exploded through the clan as they all walked back to their camp.

Adder shook his head as he caught up to Nina walking alongside her.

Things were looking up, for now.

The suns glow touched many places as it slowly rose up into the sky. Cries of many blind herbivores in herds shook the land as they took notice of the morning. Many herds were beginning to move out in search of greener pastures.

Wraith opened her eyes, and she hissed feeling the sun hit her face. She hated the bright rays of the sun, and wished it was nighttime again.

"Wraith?", spoke Scarecrow.

Wraith hearing his voice groaned out, "What?"

"We are leaving.", replied Scarecrow.

Wraith let out a huff before moving, she skillfully fell out of the tree as she landed on the ground. She stood up having landed in front of Scarecrow. "Let's go then.", she growled.

Scarecrow walked toward the others, Wraith not far behind with her eyes narrowed.

The forests slowly became familiar, as well as the faces of the usual crew. A crew that she could not stand. Wraith looked at Ripper with harsh eyes, but blinked taking notice of two more individuals that she didn't recognize.

There was a dilophosaurus who was a dark rosy color with topaz eyes, and beside them was a muscular looking ceratosaurus who had a light brown body with dark brown colors upon their muzzle, head, and back.

The both of them stood behind Ripper as he said, "I have heard talk of a bunch of others going to a space to make a so called community."

Fiend blinked, "I have heard about that."

Ripper smirked, he had a calm yet intelligent expression. "A community, a rather important landmark. If we can work our way into it, and gain control of it then that is a start in obtaining what we want."

Juggernaut smirked, "I like the sound of that."

Ripper grinned, "Great! Let's move out!"

As he walked away he said, "Trust me, this will work."

Wraith watched him walk away, she glared seeing everyone else follow him, including the two new faces. Scarecrow looked at her as he slowly followed after them.

Wraith looked at Sawtooth, his body was still intact though the putrid smell of death was much stronger than it was. She slowly walked over to his body, she slowly took off a good amount of his necklace that was around his neck.

Wraith slowly took the amount of the necklace that she got and wrapped it around her own neck. Her eyes were closed, as she was trying her hardest to imagine that he was alive.

She wasn't aware that she was crying, the tears fell from her eyes as her right hand slowly moved to touch his long snout. "See you again someday, longnose..."

Wraith slowly moved away from his lifeless body, while softly playing with the necklace that was now around her own neck. This necklace was all that she could think of to remember him by.