
As the blind herds began to move out together in the distance, the gang that was once ruled by Sawtooth were also on the move.

It was early in the morning, the gang was now being led by Ripper who had big plans. Plans to take on the community which was going to be the very first landmark of its kind.

There was still blind carnivores to worry about, but they were not much of a issue. Course, they could become a real issue if there was a massive swarm of them.

Ripper was walking through the forest, with sharp piercing eyes locked on the direction he was going. The future was without a doubt waiting for him and his clan that he had obtained. In order to obtain a clan, the leader must die.

Rules and customs were always the same in this world. Without order, things would just fall into chaos again.

"So, How are you going to take over the community?", asked Razer genuinely curious.

Ripper looked at him, a smile appeared upon his lips. "I have a idea, but we have to be patient of course?"

Juggernaut looked at him with a smirk, "Oh, so play it cool?"

Ripper smirked, "This is a new community, it is being made from the ground up with different people. With it being new, they will have to choose those who are capable to lead it you see?"

Fiend smiled, "I get it."

Thrash smirked, "We act like everyone else, we gain their trust. Then that's it, smooth sailing!"

Ripper smirked, "Exactly. Sure, fighting is great and all but we need to use our brains as well. Intelligence is just as powerful as brute strength."

As they talked, Scarecrow listened.

It sounded like a solid plan, but that was going to take some time. Ripper however didn't seem to be in to much of a hurry from the looks of it. Scarecrow blinked silently before glancing behind himself, over his shoulder he could see Wraith.

Wraith was a bit behind everyone else, her eyes were focused on the necklace that she was wearing.

Scarecrow knew how she felt about Sawtooth, and granted it surprised him that she could be friendly to someone else. But that just went to show that she still had feelings, though only faintly.

Since she was abused for a very long time, it made it hard for her to create bonds with others.

Sawtooth from what he remembered was rather polite to her, he even complimented her looks. Unlike everyone else, Sawtooth honestly said that she looked uniquely beautiful.

He said this to someone who severely hated her looks. Her looks made others abuse and neglect her.

Sawtooth was a daring individual, to even say that to her. Yet, it worked. She even began to see herself differently, though she was still self conscious about her looks.

Sawtooth helped her accept herself a bit better, which was good. But right now, Scarecrow only could imagine what she was going through right now.

Scarecrow of course respected Wraith for she was very powerful and fast, she was very intelligent as well.

Wraith despised the others of the gang, yet she tolerated him a lot more than the others. That was probably cause, he was not a complete idiot like the others. Scarecrow didn't know for sure, but he gave her space when she needed it.

Ripper looked at the ceratosaurus as well as the dilophosaurus. "Why don't you two introduce yourselves?"

The dilophosaurus smiled in a rather venomous way, "I'm known as Malice."

Thrash smirked, "Malice huh?"

Malice looked at him with lethal looking eyes, "You got a problem with my name."

Thrash went quiet as he looked at her eyes. "..." He could feel the maliciousness from her eyes.

The ceratosaurus chuckled, "Malice is not someone you should tease, trust me she will mess you up."

Malice smiled, "He will find out sooner or later, besides I don't care to wait until he falls asleep."

Thrash looked at her with wide eyes, he obviously sensed that she was threatening him.

"Anyway my name is, Impale.", chuckled the ceratosaurus.

Ripper smirked, "Impale is the only one I know who can knock over a rex."

Razer smirked, "I take it you trust these two?"

Ripper nodded, "I do, they are a unstoppable team. I don't doubt that with all of us together we can take over the community." He smiled, "Just think where we will be once we take it over."

Malice looked at Impale with a nasty grin, "We take it over, we will have the voice to decide things."

Impale nodded, "When other places start appearing, we will have the final say."

Just hearing this made Juggernaut and Razer extremely excited. Thrash and Fiend looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

This landmark will without a doubt be the center piece of other communities. It would be in the center of attention once the future fully arrives. Every single individual will have to listen to them if they become the voice.

In order to rule something, you must let go of something. In this case they have to let go of the urge to fight, if they were to fight for the community they wouldn't get anywhere. Nor would they get respect from others.

The future was coming, and things were not going to be the same like they once were. It was time for them to get rid of that fighting urge and become something more than just battle ready.

They had thoughts and feelings. It was about time that they use their minds.

Leave the animalistic nature to the blind, and become something more than just savage beasts. After all they spent so much time in the past on just fighting and eating flesh. Back then, they didn't have thoughts or feelings.

They hunted and acted like clumsy beasts.

Now, they could leave that behind and become something more. In order for them to be something more, they needed to evolve into something different than what they were.

By evolving, they would be ready for the future.

Ripper had a large smile, he looked ahead as they continued forward. Toward the place that would secure their future for many generations to come.

As the sun moves higher into the sky, the air was fresh with the many scents of wild grass and flowers. The breeze was comfortably blowing, giving the day a comfortable amount of cool air.

The sounds of many moving about made it hard to hear the breeze. Cripple had made it to the gathering space safely, and now she was looking around with fairly wide eyes.

There was carnivores, herbivores, and piscivores all moving along together to make this community happen. Never had she imagined that she could see all of them in the same place.

Ahnyx looked around with a smile, "It is almost like a dream huh?"

Cripple nodded, "Yeah."

Scalpmuzzle looked around with wide eyes, he looked at Cripple with a smile. "Imagine what it will look like when it is finished?"

Cripple looked at him with a smile in return, "It will look amazing!"

The sight that was in front of them was almost like a dream, as Ahnyx said. There were a few triceratops who were working together as they carried logs back upon their backs. Behind the trikes were three rexes who were acting as bodyguards as they escort the triceratops back.

Two diplodocus were using their large size to bring down trees for the triceratops. Two giganotosaurus were protecting the two diplodocus from any curious carnivores that were blind.

The sight of herbivores and carnivores working together was just something that many could not believe. Cripple looked around trying to figure out who was in charge, she blinked however hearing a voice call out to her.

"Hello there.", spoke a irritator as he walks over with a polite smile.

Gullet looked at Cripple as he made a low sound, Cripple smiled at Gullet before looking at the individual who was before them.

"Hello, um we would like to help out?", spoke Cripple with a smile.

The irritator grinned, he was very happy to hear that. "That's great! Like I tell everyone who is new, since you will be helping you are more than welcome to join us!"

Cripple smiled happily, Ahnyx smiled as he asks. "What would you like us to do?"

The irritator looked behind himself, the work behind him was orderly. "Right now we need trees to make the walls, we also need a few herbalists?"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ahnyx as he said, "Ahnyx is a pretty good herbalist?"

Cripple looked at Ahnyx with a smile, "He is!"

Ahnyx looked at the two of them with a cool grin, he looked at the irritator. "That I am."

The irritator looked at him with a thankful expression, "Thank goodness! I am sorry to ask if you can help out those who are injured?"

Ahnyx chuckled, "Don't say sorry sir, I wanna help out as well."

"Sir? Please don't call me that, call me Amberhide.", replied the irritator.

Ahnyx flinched a little bit before saying, "My apologies."

Amberhide smiled as he nodded, "It's okay." He looked at Cripple and Scalpmuzzle as he said, "If you can help get more trees, that would be more than helpful?"

Cripple nodded as she walked over to the two sauropods that were knocking trees down. "I can help carry some back!"

Scalpmuzzle followed after her with a smile, he chuckled seeing Gullet running out ahead of him.

Ahnyx watched them go before looking at Amberhide, "Shall we?"

Amberhide nodded with a smile, "Follow me."

Ahnyx followed after him with a cool smile, he also couldn't help to look at the others as they work. Amberhide was exactly as his name portrays for he looked just like the resin from the wild trees that were around.

"With so much work, we get a little carried away. Quite a few of our people have gotten hurt, if it is not by the work it is by the blind that tend to sneak up.", spoke Amberhide as he looked at Ahnyx.

Ahnyx nodded, "I understand, if I can help in anyway then I will."

Amberhide smiled, "Thank you really!"

Ahnyx nodded, as he took off his woven bag of herbs. "Of course."

Amberhide led him to a few others who were hurt, though the wounds were not that serious they still needed to be looked at. "I will leave you to it, call me if you need anything?"

Ahnyx nodded as he watched Amberhide leave, he looked at the others with a cool yet polite smile. The herbivore was happy that he could help others, that was why he worked real hard in learning herbalism.

Of course he could fight, but it was probably a good thing he knew how to treat wounds as well. The scar on his shoulder would of been a lot worse if he didn't learn how to treat wounds.

The main reason why he learned it, was so that he could help out others. There was so much pain in this world, and if he could minimize it just a little bit then he would feel satisfied.

Ahnyx blinked catching sight of a blue stygimoloch who looked very concerned. "Excuse me?"

The stygimoloch looked at him before saying, "Yes?"

Ahnyx took notice that the stygimoloch was a girl, she was also sitting on the ground watching a parasaurolophus who looked to be unwell.

"Do you need help?", asked Ahnyx.

"Yes please!", replied the stygimoloch. "Please help, Hawkeye!"

Ahnyx looked serious, as he moved to her. She looked scared, and the one called Hawkeye seemed to have a fever. "Calm down ma'am.", replied Ahnyx as he gave her a calming smile.

"Rain is my name, and thank you.", replied Rain giving Ahnyx a look of gratitude.

"He's missing an eye.", spoke Ahnyx with a good look of surprise as he prepares his herbs. The sight of the eye seemed to be festering as well, which probably explained why Hawkeye was so unwell.

Rain looked at him with a scared face, "He has been missing his eye for a good while. A nasty cold brute killed our clan and done that to him. I am no good at treating wounds and he refused to rest. He collapsed and I ran to get help, These nice people took us in."

Ahnyx looked at her with a sympathetic expression, "Don't worry I will do all that I can for you both."

Rain smiled at him softly, "Thank you."