
Ahnyx began looking over the eye, as he begins to treat it. He knew that when a wound begins to fester, it would become harder to treat it completely. For it to be this bad was evident that it wasn't treated properly, and of course Rain had said that she was not good at herbal care.

Honestly, it was a good time for him to treat it.

If he hadn't been there, it was very likely that Hawkeye wouldn't survive. An infection plus the wound festering would no doubt end the life of Rain's friend in a instant.

Infected wounds were no joke, for it could kill the largest of beasts in a matter of days.

"I really want him to make it.", softly spoke Rain as she watched him work on Hawkeye.

Ahnyx looked at her with a kind expression, "I assure you that he will make it. You have my word."

Rain looked at him with hopeful eyes, "I trust you."

Ahnyx smiled at her before looking at the festering wound, it needed to be cleaned as well as properly treated. The herbs he had were very good at treating wounds, and that was cause he knew what to look for. Very knowledgeable herbalist were good at finding herbs, as well as making sure that they last.

Ahnyx knew how much to give, all depending upon their size and weight. By figuring that out beforehand, he could keep up with the demand. It was not easy, but he prided himself in what he does.

There was no way he would let others down, he had found his purpose and he was going to work hard. If he didn't, many lives would pay the price all because of his negligence. He wasn't going to fail these people, he wanted to help them.

As Ahnyx worked hard in treating the wounded, Cripple was working hard carrying trees back. Scalpmuzzle helped as well carrying two logs, while looking at Gullet who was carrying one log up his back.

The hustle and bustle of others working together was a wonderful sight, only cause for so many years carnivores were literally at the throats of many herbivores.

This was evident that the world was indeed changing, and it was changing fast. The walls of this community were slowly going up, as all parties worked.

The sun was now high in the sky, half of the community wall was now up. In a matter of a few hours, others appeared to help out the build of this soon to be community.

Amberhide was at the moment the voice, for he spoke with those who were new. His kindness was to show that he didn't judge anyone. It mattered not if they were a carnivore or a herbivore, they were equal in his eyes.

It was great, in all honesty. The world was slowly becoming more than a death trap. It was becoming a home.

Amberhide looked over with a smile, he took notice of a group. "Hello there."

Cripple putting the logs down stopped to look at Amberhide, this was cause she liked to see who was joining. She blinked however taking notice of nothing but carnivores.

Scalpmuzzle looked at her curiously before looking at where she was.

"More carnivores huh?", spoke Scalpmuzzle with a smile.

Cripple nodded, "Looks like it?"

As they watched curiously, they took notice of what was said.

"Oh nice to meet you, Ripper.", politely spoke Amberhide.

Ripper looked at him with a smile in return, the group behind him all seemed to be nice. "Likewise, we heard about this place and I figured it would be a nice place to make our home."

Amberhide grinned, "That's great! Like I say to those joining us, you help us out you're more than welcome to stay."

Ripper nodded, "Seems like a fair trade!"

Amberhide smiled, "If you can help out with the wall that would be great!"

Ripper smiled as he walked by him, "You got it!"

Cripple watched the one called Ripper make his way to gather some trees. She looked at the others who seemed to be following him with curious eyes.

Scalpmuzzle looked after them as well, his head twitched as he said. "They seem nice..?"

Cripple nodded in response, though she felt a little uncomfortable.

Ripper looked at Razer and Thrash with a smirk, Juggernaut and Fiend followed behind him with interested eyes. They finally made it to the community, and now it was just a waiting game.

Malice and Impale both grinned at each other, as they looked around taking in the sight before them. This community would soon belong to them, it was just a matter of time.

Amberhide smiled but blinked looking at two individuals who didn't follow Ripper. "Is there something wrong?"

Scarecrow looked at Wraith who seemed rather quiet. "No." He finally said following after Ripper.

Amberhide looked at Wraith as he tilted his head, "..?"

Wraith looked at him silently before saying, "I don't feel all that good..."

Amberhide gave her a kind look, "I can take you to the herbalist?"

Wraith nodded as she looked away.

Amberhide began walking, "This way."

Wraith followed him silently, her right hand gripped the necklace around her neck.

It was funny how emotions and feelings were something that many have never felt before. To simply wake up one day, with feelings was more or less a dream or a hoax.

Some actually believe that it wasn't real, and thus they continue to live while ignoring the fact that they can feel or think. Perhaps they were scared of it, and what it would do to them.

Amberhide stopped at where Ahnyx was, he smiled at Wraith. "He will take care of you."

Wraith nodded as Amberhide left her, she looked down as she found a place to sit. Her eyes seemed focused on the ground, her clawed fingers were messing with the necklace silently.

Ahnyx sighed, he had done everything that he could for Hawkeye. The wound was fairly bad, but he was able to clean it and properly put herbs upon it.

"He needs rest, but he should be fine.", smiled Ahnyx.

Rain looked at him with a sweet smile. "Thank you."

Ahnyx nodded as he put his things together, he looked over at what appeared to be a raptor. "I will be with you shortly."

Rain looked at where he was looking, her eyes went wide as she quickly looked away. "!?!"

Ahnyx having caught sight of her looking away, looked at her curiously. "Something the matter?"

Rain looked at him as her body shook, "I know her."

Her voice was but a mere whisper.

Ahnyx looked at her with a brow raised, "Oh?"

Rain closed her eyes, she looked terrified. "Mhm."

Ahnyx tilted his head before going to stand, he walked over to the raptor which made Rain look at him with worried eyes. "..!"

"What seems to be hurting you?", asked Ahnyx as he looked at the solid black raptor before him. In his hands were his woven bag of herbs.

"I don't know.", replied Wraith as she refused to make eye contact.

Ahnyx looked at her with kind eyes, "There must be something, I won't hurt you."

Wraith looked at him, her eyes seemed empty. "I am just tired."

Ahnyx frowned upon hearing her words, he looked at his herbs as he said. "I can perhaps give you something to help you sleep?"

Wraith looked down as she said, "I just need a place to think."

Ahnyx nodded, "I understand. If you need me, I am right here."

Wraith nodded as she kept her eyes down upon the ground.

Ahnyx moved to stand, he looked at her silently before turning around and walking back to Rain. Rain seeing that he was returning looked relieved, she even had a smile on her face.

"You okay?", asked Rain.

Ahnyx nodded, "Of course, she just needs some space."

Rain looked at the black raptor, she still remembered the terror that Hawkeye and her went through.

Why was she here, that was the only concern that Rain had at the moment.

Ahnyx looked at Rain silently before asking, "How do you know her?"

Rain looked at him as she replied carefully, "She attacked us sometime ago. She was with that cruel monster who did that to Hawkeye."

Ahnyx blinked, he looked at the raptor from over his shoulder. From the looks of it, she was a mutation. They were rare, he knew that much but he also knew that many clans don't appreciate their kind all because of their appearance.

Just the fact that they look differently from others, they were treated badly. Almost all of those who have a mutation were abused or neglected in some way.

The community was showing that everyone was welcome. Why else would they accept her?

"I think she is going through a hard time.", spoke Ahnyx as he looked at Rain. "Who knows she may come around?"

Rain looked at him with uncertainty, she didn't trust that black raptor. If she was here, then that meant that the others who were with her were here as well. "Once Hawkeye starts feeling better, we may leave."

Ahnyx looked at Rain a little surprised, but he nodded. He couldn't force her to stay, that was not his call. Everyone had a choice, and he would respect hers.

Ahnyx looked at the others who were wounded, he slowly made his way over to them. "I will be helping the others, if you need me give me a call."

Rain replied with a simple, "Okay." She then looked at the raptor with scared eyes, she was worried.

Fear was the same no matter how it was portrayed, everyone had their own fear though it could be drastically different from others. That fear could either hinder a person or make them stronger.

By letting the fear consume you, would it then cause harm to you or to those that you love.

Rain was scared of losing Hawkeye, he was the only one left in her clan. The two therizinosaurus that were with them were lost all thanks to that volcanic eruption.

She had no knowledge if they were alive or not.

Rain looked at Hawkeye as he slept, her mind slowly began to race. Just knowing that she could be in danger made her fear for not only her life but Hawkeye's as well.

The community was slowly becoming a safe haven for all kinds, and as word gets out. Others began to appear. With steady continuous work, the community will be more than a home but a gateway to the future.

The breeze steadily continued to blow, Bloodmaw's clan had made it back to their camp. Though, it was not like the valley it sure made everyone feel comfortable. By staying there for a few years, the place was beginning to feel like home.

Bloodmaw looked at Lesion and remembering what Jr said did he slowly approach him. "Lesion?"

Lesion blinked looking at him, "Yeah?"

Bloodmaw smirked, "Do you still want to prove to me that you can rule a clan?"

Lesion blinked looking confused, "Yeah? But why this all of a sudden?"

Bloodmaw chuckled, "Jr brought it up. Dreadtooth's clan is going to be redone and I guess you would fit in?"

Lesion looked quite surprised, "You want me to try and bring it back?"

Bloodmaw nodded, "I think you can do it. After all, Fiala is still Dreadtooth's daughter and well if you marry her then that would make you the clan leader?"

Lesion looked beyond ecstatic, "I will do it!"

Bloodmaw chuckled, "I know you can."

Lesion looked at Fiala as he took a deep breath, he still had feelings for her and now it was about time to tell her how he feels.

With Dreadtooth gone, and the pact void of any meaning he can finally prove to his family that he had what it takes to rule a clan.

Bloodmaw watched as Lesion approached Fiala, his lips were in a proud smile. His two children have come a long way together. Sure, it was sad to see one of his kids leave him but he had fate.

If there was anyone capable to bring back a clan, Lesion was a good choice.

Jr caught sight of Bloodmaw talking to Lesion, he smiled happy to see his brother like his good old self again. It was going to be different without Lesion, but he could manage. Besides, he could visit his brother anytime.

Bloodmaw looked at Jr curiously and he smiled, he knew what he was thinking. The both of them were very proud of Lesion, like a family should be.