
The clan of Bloodmaw was indeed a family, that was only cause they help each other out. They communicate, and they work together quite well unlike other clans that were starting out.

Some clans don't survive, only cause they refuse to work together. To curious eyes a clan looked easy enough to lead, but it wasn't easy. There could not be a clan if everyone was at each other's throats.

Gambit blinked taking notice of something, as everyone settled down after a fairly long trip. The wedding was a good thing to have happen, for everyone had lifted spirits because of it.

The raptor glared suddenly as he ran over, his body lunged into the air as his body collided with another body of his size.

Belle blinked and ran over after seeing Gambit disappear into the bushes. "Gambit?"

The concern in Belle's voice had gained everyone's attention.

Gambit looked up, his body was on top of another raptor. "I'm alright!"

Belle blinked seeing the other raptor who shared similar colors to Gambit. The raptor had a bit more red throughout their body, with yellow eyes and bright yellow feathers upon their head.

Bloodmaw blinked at the raptor, "Who are you?"

Gambit got off of the raptor, he crossed his arms giving the raptor a hard look.

Though, there were many individuals who were in clans there was still a good amount of rogues that still try to survive on their own. The raptor looked at Bloodmaw with wide eyes, it was like they haven't seen a rex before.

"I'm nobody!", replied the raptor with a scared voice.

Gambit raised a eyebrow at the raptor, the guy was scared to death. "Easy buddy, I don't know who you are but you don't go stealing other people's stuff?"

The raptor looked at Gambit with wide eyes, he looked down before closing his eyes and running into the thick brush of the forest floor.

Gambit was about to go after him but was stopped by Bloodmaw's voice. "It is alright."

Gambit looked at him silently before looking in the direction that the raptor went too.

Grim glared, "Is it really okay to let him go?"

Bloodmaw nodded, "I am sure. If he comes back and tries anything, then we can do something about it."

"You think he is alone?", asked Swiftscale.

Bloodmaw looked at him, "Probably, though the majority of raptors have been known to be in packs."

Devastate looked at the forest floor, it was like he was looking for something specific.

Gambit looked at the herbs that he and Belle gathered a few days ago. The stash of herbs seem to be fine, though his eyes shifted to the food that the clan had gathered.

"I wonder who that was?", spoke Belle curiously.

Devastate looked at her silently, "Who knows, but if he is stealing from us then that means he can't be trusted."

Belle looked down, "Yeah, but he must be going through a hard time?"

Grim snorted, "That doesn't make it right. A thief will always take the easy way out."

Bloodmaw looked at Grim silently, "Just keep a eye on our supplies."

Grim nodded curtly as he walked over to the food that they have gathered. "I will."

Bloodmaw watched him walk over to the food, he then looked at Gambit. "That goes for herbs as well."

Gambit nodded, "Got it."

Bloodmaw looked out to the forest silently before turning away as he walked into the center of camp.

Harmony looked at Lockjaw who looked at her in return, they were concerned about their two daughters. If someone was stealing food, then that meant that they would have to hunt for more.

Without food or herbs, the clan could suffer.

Besides, if they were clearly stealing from them then that meant that they had a problem. If their supplies were not safe, they may have to consider leaving. That or stop them from taking their supplies.

Why spend time gathering stuff, only then to have it stolen?

They would be wasting time and energy by doing that.

They had to focus on everyone in the clan, that was the top priority. As selfish as that was.

Adder looked after Grim before looking at Nina who seemed concerned. "It will be alright."

Nina looked at him with a smile, though she looked at the food that they had. "I just can't help but feel like they might return."

Adder looked at the food as well, "They might, after all we have a lot of stuff. To another clan, we probably look rich?"

Nina looked at him as she nodded, "That is a possibility."

Adder gave her a smile, "If something happens we will know what to do. Don't worry."

Nina looked at him with a smile, she was comforted by his words.

Helm looked at Dingo who was walking out into the brush, "Where are you going?"

Dingo looked at him as he said, "I am going hunting, see if I can't find that fella."

Helm sort of smiled, "I'll come with you."

Dingo smiled as he continued forward with Helm close behind. "We be going out!"

Bloodmaw looked at them as he replied, "Be careful!"

Ebony watched the two of them leave, she looked at Swiftscale who was a little on edge. Stealing from others was looked down upon, but it happens. There was always something going on in this world, and this was just one of the things that was common.

Gambit looked at the herbs as he looked them over, he had to admit that it surprised him to see another raptor. Sure, they were everywhere and he knew that. Just seeing a raptor so scared of a rex made him wonder though.

Whoever they were, they clearly were use to seeing their own kind.

Gambit looked out to the woods with his sharp eyes, he really wanted to follow that raptor. There was just something off about him.

Scarface looked at Ruby who was looking at Eden and Enyo with interest, he could only imagine what was going through her head right now. He was still some what flustered about the fact that he was sort of married to Ruby.

That wedding really stuck with her, so of course she wanted to partake in the trend. Some what.

Scarface liked Ruby, but she moved a little to fast for his liking. She even was beginning to be difficult, seeing that she hated the idea that he went out to hunt on his own.

Scarface sighed, he would have to get use to it.

Bloodmaw looked at Lesion who walked over to him, he could clearly see that Lesion had something to tell him.

"I am going to go back with Fiala, see if we can't fix up the remainder of Dreadtooth's clan?", spoke Lesion with a smile.

Bloodmaw looked at him with a proud expression, "You will do fine, I know that you are capable of doing great things."

Lesion smiled, "I won't let you down. That is a promise."

Bloodmaw smirked, "Remember, to think what is best for your people. Fight for what you believe in."

Lesion nodded looking serious, "I will!"

Bloodmaw chuckled, "Take care of yourself and do come by to see us from time to time."

Lesion looked at him with a genuine smile, "Of course I will. You all are my family."

Bloodmaw looked at him with a proud look, he had kept his promise to his wife. Both of them were going to do excellent things, and he was glad to still be around to see them. "When will you be leaving?", he asked.

Lesion looked at him as he replied, "First thing tomorrow."

Bloodmaw nodded, "Rest up, you will have a long journey ahead of you."

Lesion smiled though it was a sad one, never in his life would he of thought about leaving his family. Now here he was about to leave them, he had to admit he was sad.

He couldn't help but feel sad, but he knew that he could come over anytime and that was what he was going to do. The words that he had heard from Adder, really hit him hard. He was going to cherish every moment with his family, only cause they wouldn't be around forever.

It was terrifying how final death was.

Bloodmaw smiled, "Don't you dare leave looking heartbroken. I want you to be strong!"

Lesion chuckled, his eyes were closed as he smiled brightly. "I will leave with a confident smile on my face!"

Bloodmaw chuckled, "Good."

Lesion smiled as he walked over to Fiala, he would save his goodbyes for in the morning.

Bloodmaw watched him walk over to Fiala, he looked at Jr who walked up. "He is leaving tomorrow morning."

Jr smiled, "I know he will do well."

Bloodmaw nodded, "I agree."

The day progressed slowly, as time began to slip away. The day was now becoming late, the vast sky was beginning to turn dark in color. A very faint flicker of stars began to appear in the darkening sky above as the night crept closer.

Grim was laying beside the food stash, his eyes fiercely glew as the day slowly darkened around him and his clan. His massive cranium looked over at the many bushes as the shuffling of leaves caught his attention.

One bush shook, and then the other.

Grim growled lowly in his throat, as he took notice of several bushes moving. That raptor they let go, obviously told others and now they were together in hopes of stealing.

Grim stood up, his colossal body and the sounds of his feet stepping on the ground made some of the bushes stop moving.

One figure, and then another moved skillfully within the soon to be darkened floor. Grim's posture was intimidating and fierce in appearance, as he showed his fangs.

"Don't try it!", he snarled out viciously.

The sound of his snarling had gained everyone's attention, the clan slowly moved in around Grim.

"He back?", asked Bloodmaw seriously.

Grim growled, "He brought friends."

Bloodmaw frowned as he looked at the bushes. His eyes narrowed as one silhouette walked forward, they were walking toward them with their hands up in the air.

Grim glared sharply, clearly not ready to show mercy to thieves.

"Who are you!", spoke Bloodmaw with a firm tone.

"I'm just a hungry guy.", replied a voice that was very masculine. The raptor was heavily feathered, more so than other raptors. "I'm also very respectful."

Bloodmaw looked at them as they stopped fully in front of them, he didn't know who they were or that he should trust them.

This raptor had long single scars throughout their body evenly, two scars lay upon the left side of their mouth. His colors were hard to see, but Bloodmaw could clearly see a dark brown body covered in white and black patches.

"You here to steal?", snarled Grim.

The raptor kept his hands up, "Oh no! I just wanna talk!"

Gambit looked at them with his eyes narrowed, this was not the same raptor from before.

Bloodmaw looked at them as he said, "Talk?"

The raptor nodded as he slowly put his hands down, "Yeah, I don't mean any harm. I give you my word."

Ebony looked at him curiously, she was also very suspicious of this raptor. Helm and Dingo were still not back yet, from what Dingo said he wanted to find that raptor who almost stole from them.

If Helm and Dingo were not back, that only meant trouble in her eyes.

It looks like Bloodmaw took notice of that as well as he said, "Did you meet two individuals before coming here, or did you have something to do with their disappearance?"

The raptor looked at him as he replied, "Two?"

Bloodmaw frowned while Grim snarled, this made the raptor put his hands up.

"Oh right! Yeah, we saw them! We didn't do anything to them! I swear!"

Swiftscale frowned, he stood before Eden and Enyo who were looking at the raptor with curious eyes from behind his feet. The whole clan was on edge now.

Gambit walked forward, he pointed at the raptor as he said. "You better be telling the truth! Where is Helm and Dingo!"

The raptor looked at Gambit with unusually cold eyes, he frowned as he replied. "We did nothing to them!"

Ebony looked very upset, "If anything happens to the two of them I swear you will regret it!"

The raptor looked at her with a emotionless expression, he closed his eyes as he began to speak.