
"I assure you all that we did nothing to your friends! I saw them, and then they disappeared.", replied the raptor who looked at everyone before him.

Gambit frowned, "They don't simply disappear! Besides, they went out to find a raptor who about stole from us!"

The raptor looked at Gambit silently, he looked over his shoulder as the sound of faint whispers enter the air. It was eerie to hear a number of whispers at once, this just proves that the raptor was in a pack. "I know who you are talking about, he is one of our younger members of our pack."

Gambit looked at him with a hardened expression, he didn't trust him.

Bloodmaw frowned, "I let him go, though everyone else were against it."

The raptor looked at Bloodmaw as he gave him a gentlemanly smile. "I give thanks to you for that! He is young and has been around his own kind since birth! He still has a lot to learn!"

Swiftscale looked at Bloodmaw, much like everyone else in the clan. It was Bloodmaw's call though, to decide on what they should do.

"I want my two comrades back, that is my main concern.", spoke Bloodmaw with a serious expression. Grim was at his side glaring much like Devastate.

The raptor nodded, "Right! I can show ya where they went!"

Gambit frowned before saying, "I will go with them."

Bloodmaw looked at Gambit as he said, "You can't go alone."

Before Gambit could say anything, Belle chimed in. "I will go with him!"

Devastate blinked in surprise, he looked at Belle clearly against the idea. "No, I will go."

Belle frowned looking at him, "I can do it!"

Gambit looked at Belle and Devastate as they began talking to one another. Belle wanted to help, and he knew that but the last thing he wanted was for Belle to get hurt. Devastate would have his hide if something were to happen to her. "I will be alright. I will go alone."

Bloodmaw looked at him surprised, while Grim seemed opposed to the idea. "Like hell you will!"

Bloodmaw looked at Gambit silently, before saying. "Alright. I trust that you will be alright."

Belle looked at Gambit with wide eyes, her petite hands shook in her fear for her friend. "Gambit..."

Gambit shook his head at her, though he smiled. "You need to stay here. I won't forgive myself if something happens to you again."

Devastate looked at Belle before looking at Gambit in silence. The behemoth didn't know what to say.

The raptor clapped his hands, "Great! Follow me!"

With that, the raptor went into the darkened bushes and as he does so multiple silhouettes began to follow after him.

Gambit slowly walked after the raptor, he could sense the tension in the air.

Raptors maybe smaller than most creatures, but they had intelligence on their side. A pack was just as dangerous as one lone raptor. Gambit knew of the dangers being a raptor himself, but he felt like he could do the task well.

He also caught on to how the raptor from before acted when he saw Bloodmaw. Having a rex follow after them wouldn't get anywhere, or so he thought.

It was risky to go alone, but he figured he could do it. He was strong as well as he was fast, but importantly he was intelligent. Gambit had always had a big brain, he even would boast about him having a photographic memory.

His past was a difficult experience for him, only cause he thought about himself. So many died because of him, and he wanted to change that. He realized how selfish he was, and that selfishness killed many of lives.

When he first met Scarface, he didn't know what to think of him. Raptors were use to being with other raptors, but Gambit was against it. Perhaps, it was cause he was guilty. He killed many of his own kind, and he felt it was appropriate to stay away from them.

Whatever the reason, he was introduced to Scarface and Swiftscale. He finally felt comfortable enough to try again, and better himself. Now look at him, he was in a clan and he felt that he had friends. Well, one solid friend being Belle.

Gambit looked at the raptor and his pack with distant eyes.

He will admit, he didn't feel comfortable being with them.

There was something wrong about them, and how they do things. Honestly, one of them tried stealing food from his clan. They even had this air about them, it was like they were blind to the obvious.

They tried stealing from them! What did they expect would happen!

Gambit looked around as he followed after the pack, the area was slowly becoming unrecognizable. They clearly live near Bloodmaw's clan, and he wouldn't be surprised if this pack had kept their eyes on them.

Just thinking that, made his heart sink.

For a raptor pack to steal from others, only meant that they had different views. Like Grim said, 'they would always take the easy way out.'

Gambit didn't like it, he had done wrong and he was trying to better himself. Now there was a pack of raptors who didn't care about the consequences of their actions.

He looked behind himself carefully, he was alone.

If something were to happen or go wrong, he would be on his own. It was quite scary, that he could admit. But he felt like he could do it, after all the clan was counting on him.

The raptor looked at him as he said, "I am surprised that a raptor associates with giants."

Gambit looked at him with a frown, "What's that suppose to mean?"

The raptor shrugged, his gaze held a strange animosity. "I'm just saying that nothing good comes from giants is all?"

Gambit looked at him fully, he raised a brow. "They are alright. Besides, they have names."

The raptor sort of laughed, "Right! Right! I am sure that they do!"

Gambit narrowed his eyes slowly, he then looked up as he took notice of a bunch of nests. Raptor nests. He looked at them curiously, but his eyes sort of went wide. They had a large amount of food and herbs stored, and this made his stomach turn sharply.

They had been stealing!

That was the only explanation for so much.

Gambit then realized something, wasn't this guy suppose to show him where they last saw Helm and Dingo. So then why did he bring him here of all places?

"So, is this the last place you saw the two?", asked Gambit who looked at the raptor calmly. He crossed his arms as he tilted his head.

The raptor quickly turned around, it was like he forgot about what they discussed. "Oh yeah I forgot!"

Gambit blinked as he felt excruciating pain upon his back. "!?!" He stumbled to the floor, as blood began to pool around his feet.

The raptor smirked as he watched Gambit fall to his knees, "I had lied about seeing the two of your friends. I just wanted to try and steal more stuff, but of course your no good giant pals had to be paranoid."

Gambit held both of his shoulders, he glared at the raptor before him. He should of known, he had a bad feeling from the start. Gambit slowly moved to his feet, despite the severity of his wounds that lay upon his back. "You no good thief!"

Gambit moved fast, he tackled the raptor before him, the taste of blood entered his mouth as he was punch in the jaw.

He used his claws upon his feet in his blind rage, and he was suddenly pulled off of the raptor that he had tackled.

"You're a tough guy ain't ya?", chuckled the raptor as he slowly got off of the ground. He held his sides where fairly bad cuts lay.

Gambit glared at him harshly, blood fell from his mouth as he spat in his direction. "You do anything to them I won't forgive you!"

The raptor smirked, "Please, save the hero chat for someone who gives a damn. Just be glad I ain't going to kill you, not yet."

Gambit watched as he walked away, his head slowly began to swim due to his injuries. The pain upon his back was extremely painful, and he could only imagine how bad the wounds were.

This was something that he should of known, just by how cold he was to everyone else. The look in his eyes was another indicator to how evil he was. The more he thought about it, the more he was glad that he didn't bring Belle along with him.

Gambit looked at the ground with a smirk, he had fate in his clan. Scarface was a exceptional tracker and he would no doubt smell his blood. Sure, the raptors think that they were in the clear.

They obviously don't know how strong of a bond that his clan has with everyone else.

Gambit was confident in his clan, he had to be.

The darkness began to slowly creep up upon Gambit, the blood loss from his wounds being the cause of this. He barely picked up on the next words, as he passes out.

Heavy singing from crickets were beginning to appear, as the night rolls in. Bloodmaw looked in the direction that Gambit left in with the raptors. It had been a while and they had not returned.

Grim glared, "I am going out there it's been to long for my liking."

Bloodmaw looked at him silently, "..." He still had fate in Gambit, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he has. If Gambit was in trouble, they wouldn't know it.

Swiftscale looked concerned, "We need to go see if he is okay!"

Bloodmaw looked at him with a look of agreement, "I think we should."

The moment that Bloodmaw began to walk forward did he pick up on fast movement. He looked at his side to see Scarface running by him in a hurry. "Scarface!?!", exclaimed Ruby.

Scarface looked urgent as he ran, his nostrils flaring picking up on the scent of blood. It was Gambit's blood. "Gambit is in trouble!?!"

Just hearing this made Bloodmaw feel guilty, "Let's go!"

Belle watched as Bloodmaw, Grim, Scarface, Swiftscale, and Devastate go running into the darkness. Tears were slowly falling down her white cheeks. "Gambit please be okay..."

Lockjaw stayed back with the clan much like Adder, for the both of them decided to stay back and protect everyone.

Nina looked at the food that they had, she caught sight of bushes moving near it. "Someone stole some of our food!"

Adder looked over quickly, "What!?!"

Adder ran over and sure enough, a fairly big chunk of food was missing. "I can't believe this!?!"

Harmony stayed near her two daughters with worried eyes, she wanted to protect her children from harm.

Ebony looked very worried, Swiftscale was out there much like Dingo and Helm. "What will we do?"

Lockjaw frowned, "It isn't safe here. After this is settled, it maybe better to move."

Lesion looked at Fiala with concern, if his fathers clan were to move then that meant that they would be further apart. "Move?"

Jr looked at Lesion with a tough smile as he said, "Don't worry, no matter where we are we are still going to meet up with you."

Lesion looked at him and he smiled, "You better!"

Jr nodded at him as he grinned, though he looked at the food stash. He honestly couldn't believe that a raptor pack could stoop so low as to steal. Now he has seen it all.

The clan of Bloodmaw only could wait for the return of their leader and everyone else who was out in the darkened woods.

The loud chirping of insects, and the darkness gave the forest a very different look. For the trees branches look like claws, reaching out to grab anyone or anything that walked past. It was never wise to travel in the dark, but this was a urgent matter. Gambit was out there, badly hurt from the amount of blood that he could pick up.

Scarface was following the blood, his heart pounding in his chest. His friend was out there alone with wounds.

If he could smell the blood, he knew that others can as well. He honestly hoped that he was not to late.

Bloodmaw followed after Scarface, he looked serious as his ran. One of his people were out there, and he was not going to rest until he finds them.